CI/CD Job Count report

This widget shows the number of jobs that have been run by your CICD

The CI/CD Job Count report shows a Bar Graph of all job runs in the selected time frame. This widget gives insights into how often jobs are run, as well as how many are successful.

Add the report

By default, this widget has the Job End Date filter set to a relative timeframe. No configuration changes are needed for the base widget.

Step 1: Add the report

  • Go to the Insight where you want to add the widget. Make sure you are in the correct project.

  • Select Settings, and then select Add Widget.

  • Select the CICD Job Count report widget.

The following settings are available to configure this report:

Step 2: Configure the Filters for the widget

Select attributes that you want to use to filter the data, and then select filter values and operators.

  • Set the Time Range for the Pipeline/Job data you want to consider for the data to be displayed in the widget.

  • Add conditions to specify what data feeds into the widget by creating inclusive and exclusive filters.

  • If you include multiple filters, they are inherently combined with an AND operator.

Step 3: Select the Metrics to measure on the widget

Select how you want to group data in each X-axis dimension on the widget. You can select either of the following metrics:

  • Instance Name: The specific execution instance or run of a Job within a Pipeline.

  • Pipeline: The name or identifier of the Pipeline, which is a series of stages.

  • Project: The name or identifier of the project that the Pipeline and its Jobs belong to.

  • Qualified Name

  • Status: The status of the Job execution, such as Succeeded, Failed, etc.

  • Trend

  • Triage Rule: Any predefined triage rule for handling specific job executions.

  • Triggered By: The source or event that initiated the Job execution, such as a code commit, a scheduled trigger, a manual trigger, etc.

Step 4: Configure the Aggregations for the widget

Select the metric to use for the X-Axis. Find the list of the supported metrics under the calculation section.

Step 5: Configure the Settings

  • Select how you want to sort X-Axis Data, such as ascending or descending.

  • Select the maximum number of values to show on the X-axis.

Complete the widget settings and select Next: Place Widget, place the widget on Insight and then select Save Layout.

All Jobs In Insight Time

This configuration provides a view of all jobs run in Insight Time, and whether or not they failed. To do this, set the following settings:

  • Set the Job End Date as Use Insight Time (Enable the Use Insight Time option in the widget settings)

  • Select the Status of the Job as the Metric to display.

  • Under the Aggregations tab, set the X-Axis value to the Instance Name, which represents the name of the executed job.

Failing Jobs

This configuration will highlight any jobs that have failed. The setup is similar to the previous configuration, with the addition of a filter:

  • Apply a filter for Status = Failed

Last updated

Change request #378: DOCS REVAMP