SEI Jenkins Plugin

What is the Harness - SEI Jenkins Plugins

The Harness - SEI Jenkins Plugin is a tool, written in Java, to send reports about builds to Harness SEI.

Configure the integration

  1. Select Integrations under Settings.

  2. Select Available Integrations, and locate the Jenkins integration, and select Install

  3. Add a Name for the integration.

  4. The Description and Tags are optional.

  5. Click on Next: Create and Add Nodes. This will display all the available Jenkins instances.

  6. Click on +Add Instance. This will generate the SEI API KEY which will be used in the Jenkins Plugin Configuration.

Newly added instances will show up under the Available Instances Tab.

Install the Plugin

  1. Sign in to Jenkins and select Manage Jenkins

  2. Select Manage Plugins

  3. Select the Available Plugins tab

  4. In the Search plugin, type in Harness - SEI Jenkins Plugin

  5. Install the Harness - SEI Job Reporter Plugin and click on Install without restart

  6. Once the plugin installation is complete, the status will change to Success. If it doesn't change to Success, then a restart might be needed

  7. Set the Instance Name and use the API KEY you generated earlier as the value for the Manage Jenkins >> Harness - SEI Job Reporter >> SEI API KEY field.

  8. Set the Application Type to the environment where you are configuring the Plugin.

Last updated

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