View Insights

The primary way to access Insights is through the Project.

  1. Log in to SEI and select your project.

  2. If multiple projects are enabled for your organization, you will need to select a project to proceed further.

Note: Admins can access the Manage Workspace options directly from this page

  1. Select a Collection.

  1. Select the Insight under the Select an Insight section The Insights available for each Collection depend on the Insight associations.

To switch projects use the Project selection drop-down navigation at the top right corner. Similarly to switch Collections, use the Collection options on the navigation menu. You can also use the breadcrumbs in the Insights header to navigate up through the Collection hierarchy.

If integration monitoring is enabled, you can view the integration status in the Insights header.

Integrations for the widgets in an Insight are implicitly inherited from the Collection, which in turn are inherited from the project by the Collections.

  • Attempting to access unrecognized links for Insights will navigate the user to the Home page to select a Collection and Insight.

  • Choosing the SEI icon or the Home page icon from the left navigation menu will navigate you to the Collection category selection page if the project selection was made already.

  • Choosing the Insight icon will navigate the user to the default insight or to the first insight available for the first Collection category for that project.

  • On subsequent logins, to enable continuity of thought process and action, you will be automatically redirected to the insight you had recently accessed before logoff.

You can switch to a different insight by choosing a different insight shown in the insight header or from the All Insights dropdown.

  • The default dashboard for a Collection is distinguished by a "Default" label.

  • Admins can access the Manage Insights option from the All Insights dropdown.

You can also access the Insights from the Insights List page

  1. Select Manage Insights from the All Insights selection dropdown from the insights header

  1. Select an Insight to view

  1. Select a Collection category

  2. Select a Collection to navigate to the insight selected from step 2.

Explore Data

Once you're viewing an Insight, you can explore the widgets and interact with the data.


Widgets get data from integrations, which are inherited from the Collections associated with Insights. In turn, Collections inherit integrations from their associated project, because integrations are configured at the project level. For more information about this hierarchy and configuring Collections, go to Collections.

You can also configure individual metrics and widgets to specify what data is used in calculations, how data is presented, and other criteria. For more information, go to Metrics and Reports.

Set the Insight time

Insight time is the time range selected by the user viewing an Insight. Widgets and reports must be configured to the Use Insight Time field for their data to update when you change the Insight time range.

If a widget or report uses a specific time range, changing the Insight time has no impact on the data shown by that widget or report.

Drill down into data

Some widgets allow you to drill down into data. For example, you can select a segment of a bar on a bar chart to examine the data for that segment.

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