Issue Resolution Time Report

The Issue Resolution Time Report is a bar graph showing the average time it takes to close a ticket.

The Issue Resolution Time Report graphs the average time for ticket close, along with the number of tickets that were closed. The X Axis can be a variety of variables, which changes the insights given by the graph.

Configure the widget

By default, the widget is filtered by Issues closed within the selected period. This is most often set as the Insight Time.

The X-Axis can be set to a variety of filters from your issue management system. Some of the most common selections are Assignee, Story Points, Ticket Category, and Issue Closed Last Time Period.

There are many ways to utilize this widget. The primary way to change the insights gained will be by changing the Aggregation (X-Axis). The most common Aggregations are listed below, along with any special setup instructions.

  • Average Time to Issue Closed By Assignee

    • Aggregation = Assignee: This will give a bar graph of who is taking the most time to close issues within the selected time frame. It is recommended that the X-Axis is sorted by Value, High --> Low and the Max X-Axis Entries is able to show all of your team members.

  • Story Point Estimation Accuracy

    • Aggregation = Story Points: This widget will show a graph of how well your story points are estimated. Your graph ideally should be a linear progression, with higher story point issues taking longer to resolve than lower ones.

      • Under Filter, make sure to exclude your backlog stages by adding the Exclude Time In Status filter.

      • Under settings, you will want to Sort X-Axis By Label, Low --> High

  • Time to Close Issue by Last Time Period

    • Aggregation = Issue Last Closed (Week, Month, Quarter): This widget will give a historical record of the average time it took to close all issues within the selected timeframe. Filters can be configured for MTTR or Lead Time For Change trends by using the Issue Type filter set to Bugs (MTTR) or Tasks + Stories (Lead Time for Change).

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