Manage Collection categories

Collection categories are broad classifications that serve as containers for Collections but are not, themselves, Collections. For example, Teams is a Collection category; whereas Engineering Team and Docs Team are Collections under the Teams category.

Each project has two default Collection categories: Teams and Sprints. You can modify the default categories and create custom categories.

View, edit, and enable/disable collection categories

  1. In the global settings page select the Collections tile to enter the collection settings page.

Note: Admins can alternatively choose the Manage Collections option from the Collection settings to view, edit and delete an existing collection.

  1. On the collection settings page, you'll find the list of Collection categories represented as tabs. By default, the displayed Collections belong to the current project. You can select the Project dropdown to switch to the view for Collections on a different project.

  1. Select a specific Collection category (e.g., Teams) and click on the settings icon to access and modify the category settings

  1. In the Collection category settings, you can enable or disable a Collection category. Enabling or disabling a category determines its visibility:

    • Enabled Collection categories are visible on landing pages, dashboards, etc.

    • Disabled Collection categories are only visible in the Settings section for Admins; they won't appear in regular user interfaces.

Add Collection categories

  1. Go to the Collection settings by selecting the Collections tile under the settings.

  2. Click the Add Custom+ button to create a custom Collection category within the chosen project. Enter the necessary details.

Please note that adding a custom Collection category is an advanced feature, so it is recommended to contact SEI Customer Support for proper configuration.

  1. Enter a Name and Description.

  2. Select Enable Collection Category to make the category available for Insights and elsewhere in SEI.

  3. Enter the Root Collection Name.

    This is the name of the default, root Collection in this Collection category. It usually follows the format of All + Collection category name. For example, the root Collection for the Teams category is All Teams.

  1. Select Save.

Collection Settings showing the custom Collection category

The new Collection category is added as a tab on the Collection Setup page. From here, add Collections to your new Collection category.

Last updated

Change request #378: DOCS REVAMP