Create Insights

  1. Go to any Insight. For instructions, go to View Insights.

  2. In the header, select All Insights, and then select Manage Insights.

  1. Select New Insight.

  1. Enter a Name for the Insight.

  2. Under Parameters, you can modify the following settings:

  1. Select at least one Collection category to associate with this Insight. All Collections and child Collections under the selected category are automatically associated with the Insight. You can refine the Insight associations after initial Insight creation. If you want to examine Collections under a certain Collection category, select View Collections on the Collections Categories dropdown menu.

Viewing OUs for a category
  1. Select Create to save the Insight. From here, you can add widgets and design your dashboard based on the requirements.

Add widgets

Widgets are the parts of your Insight that contain data. Widgets can present a single statistic or they can present charts, graphs, and tables that compare or combine multiple statistics.

To add widgets to Insights:

  1. Go to the Insight where you want to add the widget. Make sure you are in the correct project.

  2. Select Settings, and then select Add Widget.

  3. Select the widget that you want to add from the Frequently Used or Advanced tab.

  4. Configure the widget settings. For information about configuring specific widgets go to Metrics and Reports.

  5. Place the widget in the insight and save.


Widgets get data from integrations, which are inherited from the Collection associated with Insight. In turn, Collection inherits integrations from their associated project, because integrations are configured at the project level. For more information about this hierarchy and configuring Collections, go to Projects and Collections.

If the required integration for a widget is not created (e.g., PagerDuty), or if the associated profile for DORA is not available, widgets are automatically placed in the Advanced tab for easy access. All widgets that are temporarily inaccessible due to either integration unavailability or due to the Collection not being associated with a particular tool or integration are available here.

Apart from widgets in the Advanced tab, all other widgets are available under the Frequently Used tab for quick and convenient access.

You can also configure individual metrics and widgets to specify what data is used in calculations, how data is presented, and other criteria. For more information, go to Metrics and Reports.

Last updated

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