Release Notes

Recent changes, enhancements, and bug fixes in Software Engineering Insights.

What's new in Software Engineering Insights?

Release Notes - 202412.1 - 9th December 2024

Early access features

This release does not include any early access features.

New features & enhancements

  • Added support for configuring the Azure DevOps, Harness CI/CD & GitLab integrations using multiple personal access tokens / API Keys for multiple service accounts. This helps prevent rate-limiting issues when ingesting large volumes of data (SEI-9225)

  • We’ve enhanced the GitLab integration’s ingestion logic to exclude file content from system storage while accurately calculating the lines of code metric. (SEI-9379)

  • We have improved the error messaging across integration failures to clearly convey the underlying causes of ingestion issues. This update will help in better understanding how and why ingestion failed, making it easier to troubleshoot and resolve the failures. (SEI-9511)

Fixed issues

  • Fixed the issue in the DORA widgets that caused duplicate data to appear for the same contributor. (SEI-9642) (ZD-74061)

Release Notes - 202411.2 - 26th November 2024

Generally Available:

The new experience for configuring the GitHub Actions integration and GitLab integration is now Generally Available! Find the step-by-step instructions for configuring the integration in the documentation below:

Early access features

  • We have added support for using ServiceNow queries for both incidents and change requests to filter data to be ingested into the system while configuring the integration. For more information, go to SEI ServiceNow integration. This feature is currently in BETA and requires the SEI_SERVICE_NOW_ADVANCE_CONFIGURATION_FIELD feature flag. Please contact Harness Support to enable this feature. (SEI-9174)

New features & enhancements

  • Added support for branch selection using regular expressions when configuring the Merge Time stage in the DORA profile settings. (SEI-9359) (ZD-72925)

  • Improved the Harness Code & Harness CI/CD integration to automatically fetch and populate Account ID, Organization and Project Name for the current account. These details can be customized as needed. (SEI-9510)

  • We have introduced sorting functionality for the Author, Committer, Lines Added, and Total Lines columns in the drill-down view of the SCM Rework widget. (SEI-9539)

Fixed issues

  • We have updated the collection definition settings by removing the partial match filter for Status, Triggered By, and Pipeline. These filters now support conditions for Equals and Not Equals, providing more precise filtering options. (SEI-1608)

  • Fixed the issue that caused incorrect data to display for Hops and Bounce metrics across multiple widgets. (SEI-8930)

  • Resolved an issue where the Pull Request Activity widget failed to display data based on the selected intervals. (SEI-9116)

Release Notes - 202411.1 - 13th November 2024

Early access features

This release does not include any early access features.

New features and enhancements

  • Improved the user experience when connecting with Bitbucket Data Center. Users now have the choice of:

    • Direct Public Connection using the username and PAT token. This requires you to allow incoming connections from SEI platform.

    • Satellite Connection for on-prem instances. (SEI-9240)

Fixed issues

  • The issue of duplicated work items appearing in the SEI system across different Azure DevOps organizations has been resolved. (SEI-8885) (ZD-70797)

  • Fixed the bug that caused the Configuration Item to display no values when adding a filter using the ServiceNow integration (SEI-9295) (ZD-72519)

  • The issue causing reauthentication failures in the Azure DevOps integration has been resolved. (SEI-9327)

Release Notes - 202410.2 - 28th October 2024

Early access features

This release does not include any early access features.

New features and enhancements

  • The Sonarqube and TestRail integration is now upgraded to the new integration framework. The integrations now support reauthentication allowing you to easily reconnect if your access token expires. This update makes configuring these integrations easier and more reliable (SEI-8926) (SEI-8927)

  • The drilldown view in the DORA widgets has been improved to show the duration column data in minutes instead of seconds. (SEI-30)

  • The GitHub Actions integration now supports configuring multiple personal access tokens. This helps resolve rate-limiting issues when ingesting large datasets. (SEI-9172)

Fixed issues

  • Fixed a bug that previously resulted in the incorrect display of the repository count ingested into the system for the GitHub integration (SEI-8748)

  • The issue with selecting columns in the open report view while using the HarnessCICD integration has now been resolved (SEI-1950)

  • Resolved an issue in the SCM Committers widget where clicking on a Contributor did not redirect to the Developer Scorecard (SEI-9021) (ZD-71647)

Release Notes - 202410.1 - 16th October 2024

Early access features

This release does not include any early access features.

New features & enhancements

  • The BitBucket integration now supports reauthentication, enabling you to reconnect to the BitBucket application if OAuth fails or the access token expires. (SEI-7957)

  • The calculation method for measuring the time spent on a status in the Issue Time Across Stages report and Lead Time by Time Spent in Stages report has been improved. Now, the report accurately tracks the duration by calculating the time between when a ticket first enters a specific status and when it exits that status. This ensures a more accurate measurement of how long an issue or work item remains in each stage. (SEI-8667) (SEI-8803)

  • The Jenkins integration is now upgraded to the new integration framework. This improves the overall user experience for configuring the Jenkins integration. (SEI-8750)

  • Fixed a bug in the Jira integration configuration where selecting the timezone field resulted in multiple values being selected. (SEI-8748)

Fixed issues

  • Fixed the bug where when selecting the timezone field in the Jira integration configuration multiple values were getting selected. (SEI-8748)

Release Notes - 202409.2 - 1st October 2024

In this release we have added adoption and scalability features like improvements to the SEI integrations framework to enhance the self-service onboarding.

Early access features

This release does not include any early access features.

New features and enhancements

  • Added support for the allow_unsafe_ssl metadata flag in the satellite configuration for the SonarQube integration, allowing users to bypass SSL verification for custom certificates authorized by the SonarQube server. (SEI-8309)

  • We have improved the user experience for configuring the CircleCI integration and DroneCI integration focused on simplifying and streamlining the user journey. This includes support for authentication across both Cloud and On-prem setups, as well as reauthentication for expired access tokens. (SEI-8515)

  • Added support to display the collection name and selected Insight time range in PDFs exported from an Insight (SEI-8646)

Fixed issues

  • Resolved a bug where PRs from the Harness Code repository were not getting displayed in the Trellis contributor profile. (SEI-8038)

  • Fixed the issue causing the application window to freeze when configuring stages in the Workflow profile settings. (SEI-8347)

  • Fixed the issue where widget configuration wasn’t updating to the Default Business Alignment profile when a previously selected BA profile was deleted. (SEI-8539)

Release Notes - 202409.1 - 17th September 2024

This release introduces several exciting updates, including the improved onboarding experiences for integrations ensuring a more streamlined user journey. Additionally, important deprecations have been announced as part of our platform evolution.

Check out the release notes below for complete details and refer to the documentation for more information.

Important Note

We are discontinuing support for Investment Profile categories in the Trellis Profile configuration. This change will be implemented over the next week. For questions or assistance with these changes, please contact Harness Support.

Early access features

  • We have enhanced the user experience for configuring the GitHub Actions integration across both Cloud and On-prem setups. This update includes reauthentication functionality for scenarios where the access token has expired. This feature is currently in BETA and requires the SEI_GITHUB_ACTIONS_NEW_ONBOARDING_FLOW_ENABLED feature flag. Please contact Harness Support to enable this feature. (SEI-7671)

New features and enhancements

  • Improved the correlation between versions and issues in the Jira platform. Now, renaming a version maintains the linkage between the version and its associated issues. (SEI-7986)

  • Added support for configuring filters using the Found in Build and Integration Build custom fields in Azure Boards. (SEI-7992) (ZD-68580)

  • We have improved the user experience for configuring the Harness Code integration and Harness NG integration focused on simplifying and streamlining the user journey. This includes support for authentication across both Cloud and On-prem setups, as well as reauthentication for expired access tokens. (SEI-7671)

  • Added support for mapping custom fields of the types decimal, integer, and float to story points in Azure Boards. (SEI-8415) (ZD-68500)

Fixed issues

  • Resolved a bug in the Sprints Metric Trend report where tickets completed on the last day of the sprint were incorrectly categorized as being outside the sprint. (SEI-7794)

  • Fixed an issue that caused data for some sprints to be missing from Sprint Metric reports. (SEI-8065) (ZD-68918)

  • Fixed the bug that resulted in missing pipeline data for the HarnessNG integration. (SEI-8221)

  • Fixed an issue where the Insight export option was not functioning properly. (SEI-8225)

  • Resolved an issue in the workflow settings where the Custom CI/CD integration was incorrectly labeled as Jenkins integration. Now in the workflow profile settings, the Jenkins CI label has been renamed to Custom CI/CD and the info icon next to the integration option clarifies that Jenkins is part of the Other CI/CD tools category. (SEI-8273) (ZD-69428)

  • Fixed a bug where integrations configured using the Ingestion Satellite were failing. (SEI-8305) (ZD-69585) (ZD-69491)

Release Notes - 202408.2.2 - 5th September 2024


  • Added support for configuring stage parameters as filters in DORA workflow profile settings for Deployment Frequency and Change Failure Rate metrics when using the Harness NG integration. (SEI-7791)

  • Fixed the bug in the HarnessNG integration where historical data for the pipeline executions were missing from the platform. (SEI-8221)

Release Notes - 202408.2.1 - 2nd September 2024


  • We have improved the calculation for the sprint metrics across all SEI reports. Sprints with no planned, delivered, or spillover Jira tickets will no longer contribute to the overall sprint metric calculations. (SEI-7186) (ZD-65265)

  • Fixed the bug where reauthenticating an existing GitHub Cloud App integration would incorrectly create a new integration. (SEI-8224)

Release Notes - 202408.2 - 30th August 2024

This release brings several new features and enhancements, including the ability to map custom fields to story points in Azure DevOps, an improved user experience for configuring GitLab integrations, and a better user experience for the management of Contributor records.

Early access features

  • We have improved the user experience for configuring the GitLab integration focused on simplifying and streamlining the user journey. This includes support for authentication using Personal Access Tokens (PAT) and OAuth for GitLab Cloud, and PAT-based authentication for GitLab On-Prem setups. (SEI-7671)

New features and enhancements

  • Added support for mapping custom fields to story points within the Azure DevOps integration configuration. This allows you to measure metrics using story points based on the specific custom fields. (SEI-7651)

  • Improved the user experience for managing Contributor records. The system now automatically switches to the latest version upon uploading new Contributor data. (SEI-8073)

Fixed issues

  • Resolved an issue where the search functionality was not working in the Trellis profile configuration for development stages. (SEI-6569)

  • Fixed a bug that caused the application window to freeze when uploading contributor data in an incorrect CSV format. (SEI-7681) (ZD-67159)

  • Fixed a bug on the SCM PR details page where incorrect information was displayed for the user who merged the PR. (SEI-7745) (ZD-68018)

  • Fixed an issue where the option to clone a workflow profile was not functioning correctly. (SEI-7850)

Release Notes - 202408.1.1 - 22nd August 2024

New features and enhancements

  • The Harness SEI Jenkins plugin now support Jenkins Configuration as Code (JCasC). This allows administrators to define the plugin’s configurations as YAML in code and use CI/CD processes to deploy the configuration. (SEI-7028)

  • The Bitbucket Cloud integration now supports multiple Personal Access Token (PAT) based authentication. This will help you resolve rate limiting issues while fetching data from Bitbucket Cloud. (SEI-7696)

Release Notes - 202408.1 - 14th August 2024

This release introduces enhanced SEI Diagnostics for monitoring SCM integration statuses, Custom fields support in the Business Alignment report, and many more. Watch the release demo to see the key changes in action.

New Docs: SEI Diagnostics, SEI API Guide, Subscriptions and Licenses

Generally Available

The new experience for the Azure Devops integration is now Generally Available! Find the step-by-step instructions for configuring the integration on the Azure Devops integration topic.

Early access features

  • You can now add filters using custom fields from Azure Devops and Jira in the Business Alignment report. This feature is currently in BETA and requires the NEW_BA_COMBINED_WIDGET entitlement. Please contact Harness Support to enable this feature. (SEI-7622)

  • You can now use the Configuration Item field from ServiceNow as a filter across the application. This feature is currently in BETA and requires the SERVICE_NOW entitlement. Please contact Harness Support to enable this feature. (SEI-7827)

New features & enhancements

  • In the SEI Diagnostics added support for monitoring integration statuses across the SCM integrations. To learn more, go to SEI Diagnostics. (SEI-7749)

  • In the SCM Rework report, clicking on the commit message now redirects you to the corresponding SCM commit, making it easier to validate data across the SCM tool and SEI. (SEI-7840)

Fixed issues

  • Fixed the bug for the Harness SEI Jenkins Plugin that caused the integration to return errors due to the BlueOcean dependency. (SEI-7025)

  • Resolved the issue that caused a few of the single stat reports to display no values. (SEI-7772)

Release Notes - 202407.2.2 - 9th August 2024


  • Added support for configuring the Bitbucket Cloud integration using multiple usernames and passwords. (SEI-7491)

  • Resolved the issue where PR links in the drilldown view for SCM reports were redirecting incorrectly. (SEI-7804)

  • You can now use the Configuration Item field from ServiceNow as a filter across the application. (SEI-7827)

Release Notes - 202407.2.1 - 1st August 2024


  • Added support for using both the Contains filter and the Exclude toggle option together in Sprint reports. (SEI-6349)

  • Resolved the issue where the quick link was broken for Azure Board tickets in the drill down. (SEI-7490)

  • Fixed the bug that caused the sorting functionality in the drill-down view to not work properly for the Lead Time column. (SEI-7490)

Release Notes - 202407.2 - 25th July 2024

This release includes several new enhancements such as the improved SEI Diagnostics for faster Jira and SEI data validation, a simplified contributor data management experience, and various other enhancements. Watch the release demo to see the key changes in action.

Early access features

  • We now support using GitHub Topics as filters in Collection definitions for the GitHub integration. This filtering option is only available at the Collection level. This feature is currently in BETA and requires the SEI_ENABLE_TOPICS_SUPPORT_FOR_GITHUB feature flag. Please contact Harness Support to enable this feature (SEI-6863) (ZD-61715)

  • In the Business Alignment report, users can now switch between profiles configured with different Issue Management Systems directly in the report settings. This feature is currently in BETA and requires the SEI_NEW_BA_COMBINED_WIDGET feature flag. Please contact Harness Support to enable this feature. (SEI-7501)

New features and enhancements

  • We've significantly improved the user experience for uploading and updating contributor data. (SEI-7414) (SEI-7365) (ZD-66033)

    • Added a confirmation step before starting the upload.

    • Added a progress bar to track the upload status.

    • Other contributor actions will now be temporarily disabled during the update to prevent conflicts.

    • The contributor data will now switch to the newer version automatically if all users are uploaded successfully.

  • Activity Logs can now track Collection activities in detail. This allows users to view records of when Collections are created or modified. (SEI-4238)

  • The ability to add Additional Done Statuses is now available in the report settings for all sprint metric reports when using Azure DevOps integration. (SEI-7489)

  • We've significantly improved the Integration Status page in SEI Diagnostics with the following updates. (SEI-7364)

    • Added more granular filtering options and sorting capabilities for the integrations list.

    • Implemented a search feature to quickly find specific integration information.

    • Improved the view for the Jira integration to provide more detailed insights on Jira tickets across sprints and projects.

    • The Run Spot Check feature now allows you to search for specific Jira ticket keys and retrieve detailed information for cross-platform validation.

Note that the Integration Status page update is currently available only for the Jira integration.

Fixed issues

  • Fixed the bug in the satellite.yml file for the GitLab integration. Now the access token is added correctly instead of the string apikey. (SEI-6518)

  • Jira ticket links now work correctly in SEI report drilldowns when using the Jira Connect App. (SEI-7414)

  • Fixed a bug that was displaying null for GitHub users in all SCM reports. (SEI-7248)\

  • Resolved an issue where some Azure pipeline stages were not being ingested into the system (SEI-7361) (ZD-65982)

  • Fixed the issue that caused inconsistency across the data displayed in the Trellis Score report and the Trellis Scorecard. (SEI-7592)

Release Notes - 202407.1 - 15th July 2024

Welcome to the first release of July 2024, and in this release we bring you features like the ability to select your Issue Management system while configuring a new Business alignment profile, improved RBAC capabilities, UI support for deleting integrations, and more. Watch the release demo to see the key changes in action.

We have added new and improved API documentation for the SEI services now available at - Check it out here.

Over the coming weeks, we will be moving away from the current static API documentation and referring to the new site ( As always let us know any feedback you might have.

Early access features

  • Users can now select Jira or Azure DevOps as the issue management platform when configuring a Business Alignment profile. The custom fields for configuring filters will dynamically change based on the selected platform. This feature is currently in BETA and requires the <NEW_BA_COMBINED_WIDGET> entitlement. Please contact Harness Support to enable this feature.(SEI-7234)

  • We have now added support for configuring filters using custom fields that are specific to change requests or incidents in the collection definition and profile settings for the ServiceNow integration. When configuring the filters, the custom fields available will dynamically change based on the selected ticket type. This feature is currently in BETA and requires the <SERVICE_NOW> entitlement. Please contact Harness Support to enable this feature.(SEI-7301)

  • The ServiceNow integration is now available for on-prem accounts. You can use the ingestion satellite to configure the integration. Find the step-by-step instructions on the ServiceNow integration document.

  • A new instruction page has been added, with a step-by-step guide on setting up Azure DevOps integration using OAuth in the updated integration flow for Azure DevOps. This feature is currently in BETA and requires the <SEI_IS_AZURE_NEW_ONB_ENABLED> feature flag. Contact Harness Support to enable it. (SEI-7471)

New features and enhancements

  • Added support for deleting existing configured integrations from the UI. For more information, see Delete an integration. (SEI-6257)

  • The label Number of Tickets has been updated to Number of Applicable Tickets in the Issue Resolution Time report. Note that tickets with zero resolution time are not included in this report. (SEI-6642)

  • In the SCM PRs report the label that sets the criteria for measuring comment density is now called PR Comment Density in the report settings. (SEI-7317)

  • The new PR details page is now available for all the SCM PR related reports. (SEI-7340)

  • The PR details page now has a new column Pipeline Name that displays the associated CI/CD pipeline or workflow name if any. (SEI-7449)

Fixed issues

  • Fixed the bug that caused committers data to be displayed in the reviewers column in some cases in the drill down. (SEI-6785)

Release Notes - 202406.2 - 27th June 2024

In our continued effort to improve the user experience, this release introduces new features that simplify self-service onboarding and improve overall adoption rates. Watch the release demo to see the key changes in action.

Early access features

  • We've introduced a new onboarding experience for the Azure DevOps integration, with Personal Access Token (PAT) authentication alongside the existing OAuth-based method. For step-by-step setup instructions, please refer to the SEI Azure DevOps integration guide. This feature is currently in BETA and requires the <SEI_IS_AZURE_NEW_ONB_ENABLED> entitlement. Contact Harness Support to enable it. (SEI-6221) (ZD-62211)

  • Added support for configuring filters using ServiceNow fields in the reports and the collection definition. To learn more, go to ServiceNow integration. This integration is in BETA and requires the <SERVICE_NOW> entitlement. Contact Harness Support to enable it. (SEI-7169)

New features and enhancements

  • We have added a new PR details view as part of SCM Diagnostics. This helps you view a granular level breakdown of the PR activity including event history, commits, cycle time breakdown, code changes, CI pipelines, and PR information such as source branch and author. You can access this feature in the SCM PR Lead Time by Stage report, SCM PR Lead Time by Trend report, and the Issues report (via the issue details page). (SEI-6734)

  • In the Individual Raw Stats report the column name for PRs has been renamed to PRs Merged for better clarity of the metric value displayed. (SEI-7177)

Fixed issues

  • Fixed an issue where Sprint Metric Single Stat reports failed to update data when switching between Collections. (SEI-7250)

  • Resolved an issue in the Business Alignment report where the Pie Chart displayed data outside the selected time period. (SEI-7233)

Release Notes - 202406.1 - 14th June 2024

New features and enhancements

  • The column names in the Raw Stats report is now updated to include (avg) for improved clarity regarding the displayed metric as the report shows the average values for different metrics that make up the Trellis Scores for each collection. (SEI-2665)

  • The calculation for the Median Lead Time metric has been updated. Rather than calculating the median using averaged lead times, it now takes into account the total lead time for each individual ticket and then calculates the median value across all tickets. (SEI-6883)

  • In the Lead Time widgets, the stages that are configured to be excluded in the widget will no longer impact the overall Lead Time metric calculation. (SEI-6923)

  • The SEI Diagnostics tab now provides support for monitoring and configuring alerts for SCM activity related to the SEI GitHub integration. (SEI-7044)

Early access features

  • Added support to calculate alignment metrics for tickets in the In Progress status category and those that have been resolved (i.e., Done status category) within a specific duration of time. This allows you to measure the actual effort invested for the selected period. The new Status column in the drill down now shows the current status of each issue. To learn more, go to Business Alignment report use cases. (SEI-6833) This feature is currently in BETA is accessible behind the entitlement <NEW_BA_COMBINED_WIDGET> and <BA_INCLUDE_UNRESOLVED_ISSUES> . Please contact Harness Support to enable this feature.

  • Added support for OAuth-based authentication for the ServiceNow integration. To learn more, go to ServiceNow integration. This feature is currently in BETA is accessible behind the entitlement <SERVICE_NOW>. Please contact Harness Support to enable this feature. (SEI-6847)

  • The DORA Mean Time to Restore report can now be used to measure the incident recovery time of incidents from the ServiceNow platform. This feature is currently in BETA is accessible behind the entitlement <SERVICE_NOW>. Please contact Harness Support to enable this feature. (SEI-6849)

Fixed issues

  • Fixed the bug in the SCM Review Collaboration report that caused the Committer to be displayed also as the PR reviewer. (SEI-6785)

  • Resolved the issue that was causing the Starts with and Contains filters to not function as expected for SCM repositories in the Collection definintion. (SEI-6977)

  • Resolved the bug that was causing the CSV download of drilldown to omit the ticket summary and ticket count value for the Business Alignment report. (SEI-6985)

  • The issue that caused instances to not be listed properly for the Jenkins integration has been resolved. The integration page now displays a maximum of 300 Jenkins instances. (SEI-7099)

What's new in Software Engineering Insights?

Release Notes - 202405.2 - 24th May 2024

New features and enhancements

  • We have added improvements to the Collection definition settings. (SEI-5363)

    • When adding an integration filter for GitHub, Bitbucket, and Gitlab you can now use the "Equals" or "Does not equal" operators in the filter to fetch all repositories for which data is ingested in the integration, regardless of activity in the repository.

    • When using "Starts with" or "Contains" the filter will apply to all repositories ingested according to the integration configuration.

  • Added support for color customization in the Line Graph visualizations for Custom Table Report widgets. (SEI-6677)

Early access features

  • Added improvements to the Drilldown view in the Business Alignment report.

    • In the report drilldown, the selected BA Category is now highlighted, and the ticket count will be displayed only for the selected category. (SEI-6818)

    • Added support to display the list of all assignees for a given ticket under the Assignee column in the Drilldown by Tickets view.(SEI-6859)

    This feature is currently in BETA is accessible behind the entitlement <NEW_BA_COMBINED_WIDGET>. Please contact Harness Support to enable this feature.

  • The DORA Lead Time for Change widget now loads faster than ever before. We have optimized the lead time calculation, significantly reducing the time required to process this metric. This feature is behind the Feature Flag <VELOCITY_OPTIMIZE_JOINS_FOR_TENANTS>. Contact Harness Support for more information. (SEI-6830)

  • The DORA Lead Time for Changes is now more accurately calculated for the Median calculation. The overall median is now computed as the median of the total lead time for individual tickets. (SEI-6845)

Fixed issues

  • Resolved an issue where the number of tickets worked on by the assignee was incorrect in the Drilldown by Contributors view of the Business Alignment report when configured with Effort Attribution as the Current Assignee. (SEI-6723)

  • Fixed an issue where clicking View Tickets in the Drilldown by Contributors view of the Business Alignment report did not display any data. (SEI-6853)

  • Fixed the bug where the Add Integration button was not working in the Collection Definition settings. (SEI-6926)

  • Resolved the issue that caused duplicate records to appear on the Diagnostic page when multiple integrations were configured for the same tool. (SEI-6910)

  • Fixed an issue where configuring the integration filter with both Azure DevOps and any another SCM tool in the Collection Definition settings caused SCM reports to display incorrect or missing data. (SEI-6722)

  • In the Drilldown by Contributors view, clicking the View Tickets option under the Number of Tickets Worked On column will now open a new view with tickets filtered by the selected assignee. (SEI-6720)

  • Resolved an issue where the extended view for the Issue Progress report displayed inaccurate data. (SEI-6870)

Release Notes - 202405.1 - 13th May 2024

New features and enhancements

  • The hygiene labels in the Issue Hygiene report have been relocated to the top left corner of the Circle Chart (formerly at the top right corner)(SEI-4646)

  • Added support for the Delivered Tickets STDEV metric to calculate the standard deviation based on delivered tickets in a Sprint, representing the variability in a team's productivity over multiple sprints. (SEI-5303)

  • The pipeline link in the drill-down for any Custom CICD integration will now redirect you to the actual URL of the corresponding pipeline execution for DORA Deployment Frequency, Change Failure Rate, and other CI/CD reports. (SEI-5614)

  • Added support for three new columns in the Issue Hygiene report drill-down for the Azure DevOps integration. (SEI-6120)

    • Current Sprint: This column in the drill down will show the current sprint to which the ticket is assigned.

    • Previous Sprints: This column will display the names of all previous sprints to which the ticket was assigned.

    • Sprint Hops: This column will indicate how many times the ticket has been moved across sprints.

  • Added support for drill down in the Multi-Time Series report. Please note that you can add up to a maximum of 5 line charts.(SEI-6314)

  • Add support for a new Exclude time from Status Category filter in Issue Resolution Time Report. (SEI-6479)

  • The Sprints Metric widgets now includes the capability to choose the calculation unit as either Story Points or Tickets. The available metrics during widget configuration will vary based on the selected calculation unit (SEI-6672).

  • In the Issue Lead Time by Stage report, when the Include the associated Pull Requests and Commits option is selected, the widget will only consider the tickets that have had their PRs merged and are associated with a commit. (SEI-6685)

  • Improved the logic for calculating the Hygiene Score in the Issue Hygiene report. The final hygiene score now is calculated as the sum of the scores for each ticket category (like no assignee, idle), where each score depends on the percentage of tickets in that category. (SEI-6688)

  • The Ticket Details page now includes support for displaying details related to the associated Pull Requests and Commits. (SEI-6715)

  • Added support for configuring the fully qualified projects as the filter when setting up the Bitbucket integration. (SEI-6735)

Early access features

  • Added support for configuring new sprint metrics in the Sprint Metrics Percentage Trend report for the Azure DevOps integration. This feature is currently in BETA and is behind the Entitlement <SHOW_ALL_METRICS>. Contact Harness Support to enable this feature. (SEI-6482) The list of all the new Sprint Metrics is provided below.

List of Supported New Sprint Metrics

Metrics allowed for both Story Point and Ticket views:

  1. Delivered to Commit Ratio STDEV

  2. Commit Done Ratio STDEV

  3. Creep to Commit Ratio STDEV

Metrics allowed only for Story Point view:

  1. Velocity Points

  2. Velocity Points STDEV

  3. Creep Point

  4. Creep Done Points

  5. Creep Missed Points

  6. Commit Points

  7. Commit Done Points

  8. Commit Missed Points

  9. Missed Points

Metrics allowed only for Ticket view:

  1. Creep Tickets

  2. Creep Done Tickets

  3. Creep Missed Tickets

  4. Commit Tickets

  5. Commit Done Tickets

  6. Commit Missed Tickets

  7. Done Tickets

  8. Missed Tickets

  • In the DORA MTTR report drill-down, clicking on the Incident ID will now redirect you to the actual URL of the corresponding PagerDuty incidents page. (SEI-6603)

  • Added support for automatically sending alerts via Slack notifications and Email when the Ingestion Satellite status is UNHEALTHY. (SEI-6610)

  • The release includes a new integration for the ServiceNow Platform. ServiceNow is used to set up systems that define, manage, automate and structure IT services for companies. You can use the SEI ServiceNow integration to integrate SEI with ServiceNow Cloud and ServiceNow On-Prem accounts. To learn more, go to ServiceNow integration This feature is currently in BETA is accessible behind the entitlement <SERVICE_NOW>. Please contact Harness Support to enable this feature.

Fixed issues

  • The issue causing inaccurate data to be displayed in the widgets for the resolved issues from Jira has been fixed. (SEI-6630)

  • The bug causing the tooltip data to be uncovered within the widget has been resolved. (SEI-6660)

  • The issue causing the Jira Releases report to not display any data has been resolved. (SEI-6692)

Release Notes - 202404.2 - 25th April 2024

New features and enhancements:

  • Removed the default filter limitation when configuring the MTTR settings in the DORA Profile for incident management using the PagerDuty integration. (SEI-6564)

  • Added support for configuring the Workitem Iteration field as a Filter to define the Hygiene Criteria for the Azure DevOps integration. (SEI-6500)

General Available:

The new experience for the Github and Jira integration is now Generally Available! The following support has been added as part of this change:

  • Added support for configuring the Jira Cloud integration using the new Jira Connect App.

  • Added support for configuring the GitHub Cloud integration using the new GitHub App.

  • Improved the user experience for configuring the Jira integration on Cloud and Jira Data Centers.

  • Improved the user experience for configuring the GitHub integration on Cloud and Enterprise.

Early access features:

  • Removed the restriction on special characters in PagerDuty Service names when identifying Themes. This feature is currently in BETA and is behind the Entitlement <THEME_BASED_DORA>. Contact Harness Support to enable this feature. (SEI-6572)

  • The Issue Backlog Trend Report and the Issue Resolution Time Report now display the Age column in a more readable format: Days, Hours, Minutes. This feature is currently in BETA and is behind the Entitlement <SHOW_HISTORICAL_FILTERS>. Contact Harness Support to enable this feature. (SEI-6450)

  • Added support for configuring new sprint metrics in the Sprint Metrics Percentage Trend report for the Jira integration. This feature is currently in BETA and is behind the Entitlement <SHOW_ALL_METRICS>. Contact Harness Support to enable this feature. (SEI-6066) The list of all the new Sprint Metrics is provided below.

List of Supported New Sprint Metrics

Metrics allowed for both Story Point and Ticket views:

  1. Delivered to Commit Ratio STDEV

  2. Commit Done Ratio STDEV

  3. Creep to Commit Ratio STDEV

Metrics allowed only for Story Point view:

  1. Velocity Points

  2. Velocity Points STDEV

  3. Creep Point

  4. Creep Done Points

  5. Creep Missed Points

  6. Commit Points

  7. Commit Done Points

  8. Commit Missed Points

  9. Missed Points

Metrics allowed only for Ticket view:

  1. Creep Tickets

  2. Creep Done Tickets

  3. Creep Missed Tickets

  4. Commit Tickets

  5. Commit Done Tickets

  6. Commit Missed Tickets

  7. Done Tickets

  8. Missed Tickets

Fixed issues:

  • The settings icon remained greyed out until all reports finished loading, preventing users from editing the Insight. This issue has now been resolved. (SEI-6028)

  • Fixed the bug in the Issue Lead Time by Stage Report that prevented indirectly associated pull requests (PRs) from being displayed on the Jira ticket details page. (SEI-6345)

  • Fixed the issue where customizing the Repo filter in the Collection definition page caused the SCM Repos Report to not display any data. (SEI-6463)

  • The Exclude Status option was missing on the Issue Resolution Time Report widget settings. This issue has now been resolved. (SEI-6480)

Release Notes - 202404.1.1 - 18th April 2024


  • The exclude stages dropdown support has been removed from the following four widgets: Issue Lead Time by Stage report, SCM PR Lead Time by Stage report, DORA Lead Time for Changes, and DORA Mean Time to Restore.

    • Now when stages are excluded from the widget, those stages are also excluded from the report drilldown.

    • Lead time displayed on the widget will now consider only the stages that are present in the widget. (SEI-6443)

  • Improved the calculation for the Lead Time metric to consider the data for each stage with respect to when the stage was started. This change impacts the following reports and widgets: Issue Lead Time By Stage report, Issue Lead Time By Type report, SCM PR Lead Time by Stage report, DORA Lead Time for Changes report. This feature is currently in BETA and is behind a Feature Flag. Contact Harness Support to enable this feature. (SEI-6191)

  • The Hygiene Rule filter for the Counts condition will now exclude the boundary values. It will only consider values that are between the specified lower and upper limits. (SEI-6508)

  • Added support for configuring the Notification Settings on SEI. Users can now enable email notifications to receive updates about Ingestion Failure for all the integrations in their SEI account. (SEI-6253) To set this up, go to the Notifications section in the SEI settings.

    • Add your email address

    • Select the checkbox to receive updates on the status of data ingestion.

Release Notes - 202404.1 - 12th April 2024

New features and enhancements:

  • Added support configuring the Jira and GitHub integration to ingest data from Jira Data Center and Github Enterprise without using the Ingestion Satellite. To learn more, Contact Harness Support. (SEI-5361)

  • Added performance enhancements to the DORA profile configuration for setting up filters of integrations with large volumes of data. (SEI-6220) (ZD-59940)

  • The Jira integration now supports displaying Story Points as decimal values, rounded up to two decimal places across all reports and drill-downs. (SEI-6244)

  • The label size in the X-axis of the bar chart has been set to 11 characters across all widgets. (SEI-6346)

  • The Include only associated PR’s option under the widget settings in the Issue Lead Time by Stage report has been renamed to Include the associated Pull Requests and Commits. (SEI-6372)

  • Added support for configuring the Themes filter for PagerDuty, CI/CD, and all SCM integrations. This filter can now be configured in the Collection Definition as a checkbox tree, with search functionality. When you add a Themes filter for the selected integration in the Collection Definition, the relevant widgets will only display data for the selected themes. (SEI-6056) (SEI-6054)

Early access features:

  • Added support for a new filter Include CFR status for all CICD integrations under the Deployment Frequency and Change Failure Rate settings of the DORA profile. (SEI-6442) You can now configure the DORA profile to establish a theme-based correlation between Pull Requests and Deployments. This feature is currently in BETA and is behind the Entitlement <THEME_BASED_DORA>. Contact Harness Support to enable this feature.

  • The terminology for the GitHub Enterprise integration type has been renamed to GitHub Enterprise Server. The new experience for the GitHub and Jira integration is currently in BETA and is behind the Entitlement <EASY_ONBOARDING_GITHUB> and <EASY_ONBOARDING_GITHUB>. Please contact Harness Support to enable this feature. (SEI-6139)

  • Added the following improvements to the Issue Backlog Trend report. (SEI-6369)

    • You can now configure the report to display historical data for the current issues, allowing you to analyze trends over time.

    • Now you can define the settings for the current issue type using the existing filters and set preferences for tracking trends related to specific issue types using historical data filters i.e. Status & Category

    • A new time interval option Daily has been added into the widget settings. Now you can choose between the Day, Week, Month and Quarter time intervals directly within the widget. This feature is currently in BETA and is behind the Entitlement <SHOW_HISTORICAL_FILTERS>. Contact Harness Support to enable this feature.

Fixed issues:

  • Fixed the bug that was causing the page not found error on the expanded view of widgets drill down page. (SEI-5926)

  • The issue causing the new Business Alignment report drill down to crash for Azure DevOps integration has been resolved. (SEI-6409) (SEI-6455)

  • The issue with the Drilldown displaying all deployments for the Github Actions integration due to Collection filters not working has been resolved. (SEI-6423) (ZD-60997)

Release Notes - 202403.2.1 - 30th March 2024


  • Added support for a new column Time Spent In Stage in the Issue Time Across Stages report drill-down. This field now displays the specific amount of time spent in each stage as selected in the Bar Chart widget. (SEI-6202)

Release Notes - 202403.2 - 29th March 2024

New features and enhancements:

  • Added support for displaying the decimal Story Points as the nearest integer value in all the reports and drill-down for the Jira integration. (SEI-5758)

  • Added support for three new columns in the Issue Hygiene report drill-down. (SEI-5137) (SEI-6259)

    • Current Sprint: This column in the drill down will show the current sprint to which the ticket is assigned.

    • Previous Sprints: This column will display the names of all previous sprints to which the ticket was assigned.

    • Sprint Hops: This column will indicate how many times the ticket has been moved across sprints.

  • Added support to allow users to share an Insight with other contributors and display data for the selected time interval under the Insight settings. (SEI-6173)

  • The Multi-Series Report, when configured using the Issues Report, now includes support for the Line Chart as a visualization type. (SEI-6177)

  • Added support for a new Propel node List GitHub Teams to retrieve the complete list of team names within a specific organization. (SEI-6047)

  • The Trend Line in the Issue Backlog Trend Report is now set to be dynamic with the selected stacks and labels in the widget. (SEI-5843)

Deprecation notice:

  • The option to download the Triage data using the Download button has now been deprecated. You will be impacted by this if you have enabled Triage rules under your SEI project for the Jenkins integration. Contact Harness Support for assistance.

  • The option to configure the Github Actions integration using Webhook has been deprecated. (SEI-5739

Early access features:

  • Improved the Diagnostic Tab with the following enhancements.

    • Support for displaying Project & Sprint details has been added to the Integration Status section.

    • Now, clicking on the associated Project name will open the Project details page, displaying all the Issues, Status, and their associated details.

    • Clicking on the associated Sprint name will now open the Sprint details page, displaying all the Issues included as part of the selected Sprint.

    • Selecting the issue key under the Sprints or Project tab will now automatically redirect you to the details page of the selected issue.

    This new Diagnostics page feature is currently in BETA and is behind the entitlement <SHOW_DIAGNOSTIC_TILE>. Contact Harness Support to enable this feature.

  • Added support to measure the incident recovery time using the DORA MTTR report for the PagerDuty integration. PagerDuty is a cloud-based incident response platform that integrates with various monitoring tools to alert the appropriate teams when an issue occurs with their systems or services. To use this functionality, ensure that you configure the DORA profile to measure the MTTR metric using the PagerDuty integration.\

    Find the resource below to get started with using this feature.

    This feature is currently in BETA and is accessible behind the entitlement <MTTR_PAGERDUTY_ENABLED>. Please contact Harness Support to enable this feature.

  • The SEI Rally integration is now supported for the following widgets: DORA Lead Time for Changes report & DORA MTTR report. This feature is currently in BETA is accessible behind the entitlement <RALLY>. Please contact Harness Support to enable this feature.

Fixed issues:

  • Improved the error messaging associated with the issue where users were unable to update the contributor data by uploading a CSV file due to incorrect headers in the CSV file. (SEI-5785)

  • Fixed the bug on the Issue Hops report where the Total Tickets field was displayed as zero for the Rally integration. (SEI-6279)

  • The issue that caused the hygiene filters from being applied to the Issue Hygiene report has been resolved.

  • The DORA Deployment Frequency and Change Failure Rate report was not displaying data correctly when configured with certain Filters such as components, labels, fix_versions, versions, and Starts with and Contains Filter Settings under the DORA profile definition. This issue has been resolved. Note that if you have these Filters configured in your DORA settings, you will need to delete and re-configure the profile settings. (SEI-6164)

Release Notes - 202403.1.1 - 20th March 2024


  • Sprint reports and drill-down reports inaccurately included certain issues resolved outside their designated sprint time. This has been fixed to accurately display relevant issues resolved within the sprint period by considering the Issue Resolved In field for each item. Tickets falling on the Outside of Sprint category are not included in the velocity calculation, as they represent work completed before the start of the sprint. (SEI-6170)

  • Added support to retrieve and display up to 999 active versions for the Contributor list. (SEI-5908)

  • The repository selection dropdown was not displaying data in the Collection definition for the Bitbucket integration. This issue has been fixed. (SEI-6245)

Release Notes - 202403.1 - 14th March 2024

New features and enhancements:

  • Added support for displaying the latest pipeline execution link for the CICD Job Count Report, CICD Pipeline Jobs Duration Trend Report, CICD Job Duration Report, CICD Pipeline Jobs Count Trend Report, CICD Pipeline Jobs Duration Report, DORA Deployment Frequency & Change Failure Rate reports. (SEI-2683) (SEI-3546) (SEI-5825) You can now view the latest pipeline execution link as a column in the drill-down view of the reports. By clicking on the link, you will be redirected to the corresponding GitLab pipeline execution tab. Please note that this feature is only available for reports generated using a GitLab Cloud integration and will be available for newer or updated pipelines. To receive older pipeline data and activating support for this feature, please contact Harness Support.

  • In the Activity Logs tab we have added the support for adding Type as a Filter. This allows you to filter the activity logs using filters such as Action, Email, and more. (SEI-5157) (SEI-5343)

  • Improved the user experience on the Insights tab by enabling users to redirect to the Integration Configuration page when they click on the Integrations Monitoring icon. Additionally, renamed the Last updated at field to Last ingested at in the Integration Monitoring tab. (SEI-5342)

  • Added support for configuring the Deployment Frequency and Change Failure Rate using the Issue Created event in the DORA profile definition. This will enable users to define the settings when utilizing any Issue Management tool as a medium to calculate Deployment Frequency or Change Failure Rate. (SEI-5422) (SEI-5931) (SEI-5933)

  • Activity Logs data can now be exported by clicking the Export button located in the Activity Logs tab of the SEI application. (SEI-5449)

  • The default time range for all the Sprint Metric reports has been updated from 2 weeks to 30 days. (SEI-5787)

  • Added the ability to display the Custom Field Key ID from Azure Boards while configuring the Filters on the Report, Collection and Profile settings. Now, when configuring custom field Filters, the Custom Field Key ID associated with the field is displayed for clarity. (SEI-5799) (SEI-5800) (SEI-5801)

  • Added support to view files based on page size selection in the Issue Hotspot report and Support Hotspot report. (SEI-5812)

  • Added performance enhancements for the SCM metrics and reports. The following reports do not have the support for this enhancement: SCM PR Activity report, SCM PR Lead Time by Stage report, SCM PR Lead Time Trend report, Issue Hotspots report.

  • The Median field in SEI all reports and metrics will now be calculated by determining the normal median using the 50th percentile.

  • The time zone field will now use UTC as the default timezone across the platform to maintain a standardized format for enhanced clarity and consistency.

Early access features:

  • A new Diagnostics tab has been added to the application, which includes a system status section. Users can now access this page by selecting the Diagnostics tile in the Settings page. This new tab comprises of two sections: Jobs status and Satellite status, providing users with the most up-to-date health status information for both Jobs and Ingestion Satellite. (SEI-5818) This new Diagnostics page feature is currently in BETA and is behind the entitlement <SHOW_DIAGNOSTIC_TILE>. Contact Harness Support to enable this feature.

  • The Business Alignment report has been improved to allow for a more detailed drill down by contributors, displaying all the items on which each contributor has worked. A link field has been included in the NUMBER OF TICKETS WORKED ON column, enabling users to view the tickets associated with each contributor. Clicking on this link will open a new drill down containing all the ticket details related to that specific contributor. (SEI-5887) This new BA Profile feature is behind the entitlement <NEW_BA_PROFILES> and the new BA Report feature is behind the entitlement <NEW_BA_COMBINED_REPORT>. Contact Harness Support to enable this feature.

    To learn more, go to Business Alignment Reports.

Fixed issues:

  • There was an issue which was causing the ingestion to fail for the Jira integration. This issue has been resolved now. (SEI-5213)

  • In the Activity Logs, the Email data field is now case-insensitive. This means that records will show up when searched, regardless of the case used. (SEI-5872)

  • The bug in the Issue Hotspot Report, which caused the drilldown to not display any value when the widget was configured with Issue Type as a filter, has been resolved. (SEI-5906)

  • The issue where Jira's priority field values were not appearing in the drill down when defined differently from P0, P1, etc., has been resolved to include various definitions of priority. (SEI-5949)

  • The issue of making changes to the Collection definition and saving them not working as intended has been resolved. Now, when you save any new changes, an alert dialog will be displayed. Upon clicking on the save button, the changes will be saved successfully. (SEI-5983)

  • In the Collection definition, when applying Filters, the expectation was for the Azure Repos and Bitbucket repository name to start with an uppercase letter. This issue has been fixed to ensure that the repository list no longer requires the first letter to be capitalized. This resolves the case sensitivity filter problem. (SEI-6018)

  • The bug in the collection definition that was causing a limitation on filtering repositories beyond the first 1000 has been resolved. This fix enables users to search for and select repositories from all available options when filtering the results. (SEI-6046)

  • The Business Alignment report had a bug in the Trend Chart where the dates were not displayed correctly. This issue now has been resolved. (SEI-6090)

Release Notes - 202402.2 - 29th Feb 2024

New features and enhancements:

  • Added the ability to display the Custom Field Key ID from Jira while configuring the Filters on the Report, Collection and Profile settings. Now, when configuring custom field Filters, the Custom Field Key ID associated with the field is displayed for clarity. (SEI-5184) (SEI-5609)

  • Added support to view files based on page size selection in the Issue Hotspot report and Support Hotspot report. (SEI-5546)

  • In the Sprint Reports, support has been added to include all tickets that were initially committed at the beginning of the sprint irrespective of their final status in the sprint as part of the metric calculation. (SEI-5736)

Early access features:

  • Added major enhancements to the new Business Alignment Report.

    • Added support to display the Ticket Summary as a column for the Ticket Drilldown. (SEI-5747)

    • Improved the widget to not display Categories with zero effort metric in the Pie chart, Trend chart or Drill down. (SEI-5746)

    • Added support to view the Trend Chart in the report based on the current Collection and its sub-collections. You can now choose between the current Collection or the sub-collection options in the Trend Chart. If you select the sub-collection option, the widget will open in a new tab with the same insights as before, but with the sub-collection that you have selected. (SEI-5815) This new BA Profile feature is behind the entitlement <NEW_BA_PROFILES> and the new BA Report feature is behind the entitlement <NEW_BA_COMBINED_REPORT>. Contact Harness Support to enable this feature. (SEI-3728)

      To learn more, go to Business Alignment Reports.

  • Improved the ingestion logic to fetch information for the Pull Request related to the Development Field in the work item in Azure Boards for the Azure DevOps integration. Please note that this feature is currently in BETA. Contact Harness Support to enable this feature. (SEI-2265) (SEI-5064) (SEI-5065)

  • The release includes a new integration for the Rally Software. Rally is a web-based platform for managing and tracking the entire application development lifecycle, including project management, release planning, iteration planning, and defect tracking. (ECOE-3) To learn more, go to Rally integration. This feature is currently in BETA is accessible behind the entitlement <RALLY>. Please contact Harness Support to enable this feature.

Fixed issues:

  • In the Collection definition, when applying Filters, the expectation was for the repository name to start with an uppercase letter. This issue has been fixed to ensure that the repository list no longer requires the first letter to be capitalized. This resolves the case sensitivity filter problem. (SEI-5804)

  • There was a bug in the Business Alignment report where the custom fields dropdown for values was not displaying any data. This issue has been resolved and now the field functions correctly. (SEI-5685)


This release does not include any hotfixes.

Release Notes - 202402.1 - 15th Feb 2024

New features and enhancements:

  • Added the support to enable the addition of stages based on Jira status categories as a filter in the Velocity Lead Time type Workflow profile setting. As a result, all the statuses that fall under each category will belong to a particular stage. This feature can be linked to the Lead Time in Stages report and the Jira releases report. (SEI-5040) (SEI-5108)

  • Improved the calculation logic for the average field across various Single Stat reports. Now the field is calculated based on the configured/selected calendar date. (SEI-5072)

  • In the SCM PRs Single Stat report, we have added the support to select any time range by using the calendar component to view the PRs based on the selected metric. (SEI-5073)

  • Added the support for a New Propel node that gets the data for a GitHub team (repositories and its members) from GitHub. (SEI-5136)

  • In the SCM Files report we have added the ability to view the files as per the configured page size selection in the report settings. (SEI-5158)

  • Added the capability for users to select only those items that have associated Pull Requests (PRs) in the widget-level settings of the following reports - Issue Lead Time by Stage report, DORA Lead Time and DORA Mean Time report. This improvement will enable the calculation of the lead time metric for only those tickets that have associated PRs. (SEI-5424)

  • Improved the UX on the Collections definition page by allowing for better visibility of the integration name. (SEI-5298)

  • Improved the user experience on the Insights page. Now if a user clicks on the integration, it will redirect to its integration configuration page. The terminology for Last Updated At is changed to Last Ingested At. (SEI-5342)

Early access features:

  • Added the support to open the drill-down view for categories when clicking on the Pie Chart. This new BA Profile feature is behind the entitlement <NEW_BA_PROFILES> and the new BA Report feature is behind the entitlement <NEW_BA_COMBINED_REPORT>. Contact Harness Support to enable this feature. (SEI-2648)

    To learn more, go to Business Alignment Reports.

  • Added the support for re-authentication for Jira and GitHub integrations. The new experience for the re-authentication flow for the Jira and GitHub integration is accessible behind the entitlement <SHOULD_ENABLE_REAUTH>. Please contact Harness Support to enable this feature. (SEI-5188)

  • The release includes a new Trellis profile configuration at the Collection level i.e. Trellis Factors settings, which enhance the effectiveness and accuracy of Trellis Scores calculation based on the custom attributes of the contributors. For example: Manager, Department, Role, Location etc (SEI-3728) Here’s a list of the new added features:

    • Trellis Central Profile (Trellis Factors): The Trellis Central Profile lets you customize the standards and thresholds for calculating the Trellis Score. By default, every newly created collection is associated with the Trellis Central Profile.

    • Trellis Groups: Trellis Groups represent custom attribute-based sub-profiles within the defined profile. This functionality allows users to tailor standards and thresholds specifically to the custom attributes.

This new Trellis Groups based profile feature is behind the entitlement <TRELLIS_BY_JOB_ROLES>. Please contact Harness Support to enable this feature.

Fixed issues:

  • In the Issue Backlog Trend Report, there was a bug where the Ticket Lifetime field appeared the same for all tickets. This has been fixed and now the field has been replaced with the Resolution Time column. (SEI-1999)

  • There was an existing bug in the Issue Hygiene Report where removing the criteria did not update the hygiene score in the widget. This has been resolved and now the data is displayed correctly in the report. (SEI-4645)

  • There was some inconsistency in the data displayed on the Sprint Metrics Trend Report when using Azure DevOps as the integration for the Issue Management Tool. This has been fixed now. (SEI-4690)

  • In the Lead time by Time Spent in Stages report there was an issue where in the extended drill-down view the data was displayed incorrectly. This has been resolved now. (SEI-4753)

  • In the Jira integration, there was a bug where the Custom Hygienes were displayed as blank and were only showing story points as the criteria to define the hygiene misses. This has been fixed now. (SEI-5076)

  • There was a bug where integrations created using the GitHub App were not ingesting data due to repositories not being selected during the integration creation. This has been fixed and now the ingestion should start automatically as the integration is created. (SEI-5223)

  • In the Issue Backlog Trend report and the SCM Issues Resolution Time Report drill-down, there was an issue where the Ticket Lifetime (Resolution Time) column data was not visible in the downloaded CSV file. This issue has been resolved now. (SEI-5237) (SEI-5269)

  • There was a bug in the Pre-calculated Lead time by Stages report where the drill down for a Jira release did not show tickets with 0 time spent. This has now been fixed. (SEI-5432)

  • There were two known issues in the Sprint Metrics Report related to how certain Jira tasks / items were being counted.

    • Some Jira tasks were still appearing in the report even after they had been removed during the middle of the sprint. This happened because these tasks were included when generating metrics for the report. This has been fixed and now any tasks which are deleted mid-sprint will not appear in the Report. (SEI-5259)

    • The report incorrectly identified some tasks as falling outside of their designated sprint period. This has been resolved to identify issues added in the sprint based on the start and end date of the sprint. (SEI-5406)


  • In the Issues Report, there was an existing bug where the Worktype Exclude filter was not allowing the addition of multiple values for a given custom field. This has been fixed and now the filter functions correctly. (SEI-5225)

  • Renamed the label terminology in the Integration Monitoring tab from FAILED to WARNING for ingestion jobs that have failed due to some reason in the past 7 days. (SEI-5415)

  • There was an existing issue in the Sprint Metric Single Stat reports where clicking on commit tickets was causing the app to crash. This has been resolved now. (SEI-5372)

  • Support has been added for displaying only items with an associated Pull Request in the Issue Lead Time by Stage report, DORA Lead Time, and Mean Time reports for the Jira integration. The Ticket Details page now displays a table of Associated PRs. This feature is currently supported only for Jira. (SEI-5604)(SEI-5667)

  • Added the capability to ingest all types of pipeline data, including pipelines with the status WAITING, from Azure Pipelines for the Azure DevOps integration. (SEI-5378)

  • Improved the ingestion logic for commits related to a Pull Request for the GitHub and GitLab integration. The maximum number of commits fetched for a pull request is now limited to 250. (SEI-5858)

Release Notes - 202401.2 - 3rd Feb 2024

New features and enhancements:

  • Added the support for partial match functionality to the Code Area filter at the widget-level and collection-level settings. Now, you can apply the filter and select repositories using the "Starts With" and "Contains" conditions. (SEI-4812) (SEI-4873)

  • Added exclude support for the code area filter to all widgets. (SEI-4943)

  • Improved tooltip messaging for the configuration settings on the Code Area filter. (SEI-5006)

  • In the Lead Time in Stages report, the filter name 'RELEASE DATE IN' has been renamed to 'Jira Release Date In' (SEI-4947) (SEI-5156).

Early access features:

  • Improved the configuration settings of the Business Alignment profile to support defining the advanced scope of fetching tickets. This new BA Profile feature is behind the entitlement <NEW_BA_PROFILES> and the new BA Report feature is behind the entitlement <NEW_BA_COMBINED_REPORT>. Contact Harness Support to enable this feature. (SEI-2648)

    To learn more, go to Business Alignment Reports.

  • The release includes a new user onboarding flow for the Jira and GitHub integration, focused on simplifying and streamlining the user journey (SEI-3727). The following support has been added as part of this change:

    • Added support for configuring the Jira Cloud integration using the new Jira Connect App.

    • Added support for configuring the GitHub Cloud integration using the new GitHub App.

    • Improved the user experience for configuring the Jira integration on Cloud and Jira Data Centers.

    • Enhanced the user experience for configuring the GitHub integration on Cloud and Enterprise.

    The new experience for the Jira integration is accessible behind the entitlement <EASY_ONBOARDING_JIRA>, and the new experience for the GitHub integration is available behind the entitlement <EASY_ONBOARDING_GITHUB>. Please contact Harness Support to enable this feature.

Fixed issues:

  • The bug in the Trellis score by Collections report, where the scorecard hyperlink for the collection was broken, has now been fixed. (SEI-5019)

  • There was an existing issue where the report was showing as not being supported when more than one Trend Report was added to the Insight. This has been resolved. Now, you can add multiple trend reports to the Insight (SEI-5128)

  • In the Jira integration settings there was a bug where users were unable to save custom hygiene fields. This has been fixed now. (SEI-5152)


  • This release does not include any hotfixes.

Release Notes - 202401.1 - 19th Jan 2024

New features and enhancements:

  • Added correlation support for mapping Jenkins CI artifacts with Harness CD. Now when configuring stages for a workflow profile, selecting Jenkins as the CI provider now allows you to define Harness CD in the subsequent stage for mapping artifact data. (SEI-2848) (SEI-4623) (SEI-4624) (SEI-4625) (SEI-4626)

  • Optimized the Sprint Metrics Trend Report to update the extended view and display data only when a new filter is applied. (SEI-4739) (SEI-4702) (SEI-4876)

  • Added the support for configuring stages and steps as a filter for Azure DevOps pipelines in the Deployment Frequency and Change Failure Rate report settings. (SEI-4814)

  • Improved the ingestion logic for the HarnessNG Integration to support data retrieval for non-container type artifact deployments. (SEI-4912)

  • Enhanced the Lead Time by Time Spent in Stages report to make ISSUE RESOLVED IN a mandatory filter when the associated profile in the report settings has a Jira Release stage configured. (SEI-4668)

Early access features:

  • Improved the configuration settings of the Business Alignment profile to enable users to configure filter sets condition as Not Equals. This new BA Profile feature is behind the entitlement <NEW_BA_PROFILES> and the new BA Report feature is behind the entitlement <NEW_BA_COMBINED_REPORT>. Contact Harness Support to enable this feature. (SEI-2648) To learn more, go to Business Alignment Reports.

  • Improved the tooltips and error messaging related to the Pre-calculated DORA Lead Time, DORA Mean Time and SCM Lead Time by Stage report configuration. These reports store data for specific time intervals. The calculation for precalculated reports is performed by displaying data retrieved from associated tools at scheduled intervals. (SEI-4556) (SEI-4743) (SEI-4744) (SEI-4761) To learn more, go to Pre-calculated Reports

Fixed issues:

  • There was a bug associated with the Azure DevOps integration that caused incorrect redirection for commit links in the reports. This issue has been resolved now. (SEI-4768)


  • This release does not include any hotfixes.

Release Notes - 202312.2 - 10th Jan 2024

New features and enhancements:

  • Added support for ingesting CI/CD artifact data. This will be useful for aggregating and analyzing artifacts data from any CI/CD workflow, with the help of SEI CI/CD reports. (SEI-3714) To learn more, go to Ingest artifacts data.

  • Improved the ingestion functionality of the Gitlab integration configured using satellite. The following metadata fields have been added:check_project_membership, fetch_pr_patches, fetch_commit_patches, pr_commit_limit. (SEI-3769) To learn more, go to Gitlab integration.

  • The support for displaying data in the Created At column on the SCM Commits Report drill-down has been deprecated. The Committed At column now displays the data indicating the time when the commit was made. (SEI-4433)

  • GitHub Actions integration with SEI is now Generally Available. (SEI-4621)

  • Added enhancements to the calculation functionality for the 'Lines of Code' and 'Total Lines' metrics in all SCM reports across all SCM integrations. (SEI-4748) To learn more, go to SCM Metrics Calculation.

  • Improved error messaging related to DORA Lead Time report configuration. (SEI-4556) (SEI-4557)

Early access features:

  • Added performance enhancements for the GitHub integration. Now, the data quickly populates for all SCM reports generated using this integration. This enhancement is behind the entitlement <SCM_ES>

  • The release includes a new Business Alignment profile and report settings, which enhance the effectiveness and accuracy of BA metrics calculation. (SEI-3728) Here’s a list of the new added features:

    • Investment Categories: This categories define the data that you want to compare within an Business Alignment profile. You can create multiple categories each with separate configuration for filters and allocation goals.

    • Enhanced Allocation Goals Settings: Now you can define the ideal range for allocation goals for each category using percentage values. SEI will automatically calculate the Acceptable range and Poor range based on your definition.

    • Scope of Fetching Tickets: This allows you to define how broadly you gather ticket data based on the defined filters. To learn more, go to Business Alignment profile.

    • Filters and Filter Sets: Filters are the criteria that determine what kind of work or tasks fall into each category. You can define up to three filter sets, each with its own set of conditions.

    • Business Alignment Report: This is a new report that describes your investment efforts across the categories defined in the associated BA profile as a pie chart and a bar chart. You can configure this report to calculate data by ticket count or by engineer. To learn more, go to Business Alignment Reports. This new BA Profile feature is behind the entitlement <NEW_BA_PROFILES> and the new BA Report feature is behind the entitlement <NEW_BA_COMBINED_REPORT>. Contact Harness Support to enable this feature.

  • In the Lead Time by Time Spent in Stages pre calculated report we have added the capability to sort all the columns. This feature allows for filtering of the data displayed in the drill-down view. (SEI-3585) (SEI-4703)

  • Added major enhancements to the Lead Time functionality on SEI. This includes updates in the configuration settings of the associated workflow profile, DORA Lead Time settings and the Lead Time reports. (SEI-4337) (SEI-4352) (SEI-4353) (SEI-4356) (SEI-4361) (SEI-4362) (SEI-4496) (SEI-4557) (SEI-4739)

    • Development Stages: Now while configuring the settings for all development stages, users can choose from available options to define how they want each stage to contribute to the overall lead time calculation. To learn more, go to Development Stages.

    • Jira Release Stage: When configuring a workflow profile in Jira, you have the option to add a release stage. Once enabled, the starting event and Issue Management tool for the workflow is automatically set to Ticket Created and Jira. This cannot be modified as it will result in incorrect configuration. When enabled, the profile will consider only tickets associated with a release and their corresponding commits and PRs for the lead time calculation. This feature is behind the entitlement ALLOW_JIRA_RELEASE_STAGE_IN_PROFILE. To learn more, go to Add the Jira Release stage.

    • Additional Filter Support: Added support for configuring the Released In filter in the Issue Lead TIme by Stage report, DORA Lead Time, DORA Mean Time to Restore and Mean Time between Failure reports. This feature is supported only for the workflow profiles using Jira as the Issue Management tool.

    • Terminology Change: The Time to First Comment development stage is now referred to as Time to Comment. Similarly, the Release stage is now referred to as the Jira Release stage.

  • Introducing support for Pre-calculated Reports on SEI. These reports store data for specific time intervals. The calculation for precalculated reports is performed by displaying data retrieved from associated tools at scheduled intervals. This means that whenever you load the report, the request will be served from stored data instead of performing a live calculation. As a result, you can quickly view the data without waiting for a live calculation to complete. (SEI-4628) (SEI-4742) To learn more, go to Pre-calculated Reports.

Fixed issues:

  • There was a bug in the SCM Commits Reports where the data displayed in the report did not match the data in the drill-down view when the commit interval was set to Quarter. This has been fixed, and now the data is displayed correctly. (SEI-2032)

  • There was an existing issue where the features displayed in the Issues Report were not available in the PI Progress Report and PI Hygiene Report. This has been resolved and now the link to the features are available in the reports. (SEI-4026)

  • In the SCM PR Lead Time by Stage report, the data for Merge Time was previously calculated incorrectly. This issue has been resolved, and the report now displays the data accurately. (SEI-4414)

  • The bug in the SCM PRs Report for Bitbucket integration, where clicking on the PR number resulted in an incorrect redirect, has been resolved. The field now functions correctly. (SEI-4586)

  • In the Issue Lead Time by Stage report there was a bug where the filter preview for Jira Released In was displayed incorrectly. This issue has now been resolved. (SEI-4745)


  • This release does not include any hotfixes.

Release Notes - 202312.1 - 21st Dec 2023

New features and enhancements:

  • Added support for deriving data from trigger pipelines in the GitLab integration. Users can now fetch the history of both build and trigger jobs for each pipeline from GitLab. The list of all jobs is now available in the job selection tab under both the Deployment Frequency and Change Failure Rate tabs when configuring the DORA profile. (SEI-3644) (SEI-4233)

  • Added key enhancements to the Sprint Metrics Trend Report and the Sprint Metrics Percentage Trend Report.

    • Added sorting capabilities to the Project, Assignee, Status and Issue Type columns in both the drill-down view and the Open Report view. (SEI-4333) (SEI-4373) (SEI-4540)

    • Added filtering support for the Ticket Category and Resolved In Sprint columns. The applied filters will be preserved when the reports are downloaded in CSV format. (SEI-4336)

    • Added the support to display key data columns such as Assignee, Issue Type, and Project in the drill-down view. (SEI-4335) (SEI-4372)

Early access features:

  • Fixed an existing bug in the Issue Progress Report. Now, when applying filters SEI will first retrieve all epics, and then fetch the tickets associated with those epics. This fix is behind the entitlement JIRA_PROGRESS_REPORT_ENABLED_TENANTS (SEI-2910)

  • Added performance enhancements for the Churn Rate metric in Jira. This metric helps measure scope changes during the sprint and can be configured in the Sprint Metrics Single Stat widget. This feature is behind the entitlement JIRA_CHURN_RATE (SEI-3000)

    For more information, go to Churn Rate.

Fixed issues:

  • There was an existing bug in the drill-down view for the Sprint Metrics Trend Report where the status filter was not functioning correctly. This has been resolved and now the widget drill down displays data correctly. (SEI-4492)


  • There was an existing bug where the commit message field in reports generated from Bitbucket integration was incorrectly linking to pull requests instead of the specific commit. This issue has now been resolved, and the commit message field in reports accurately displays the correct link to the specific commit. (SEI-4740)

  • There was a bug in the SCM PRs report and SCM Coding Days report where the data for the Lines of Code and Files Changed columns were displaying as zero. This issue has been resolved and the data is now accurately displayed in both columns of the report. (SEI-4679)

Known Issues:

There are currently some known issues with all SCM reports for the Azure DevOps integrations. As a result, the data for SCM metrics such as Lines of Code and Files Changed may be displayed as either zero or incorrect. This issue will be fixed in future releases.

Release Notes - 202311.2 - 7th Dec 2023

New features and enhancements:

  • Added support for users with the Public Dashboard role to view widget filters in the dashboard. (SEI-1881)

  • Improved the user experience for the SCM Commits report. Now, when hovering over the commit message column in the widget drill down, the entire commit message is displayed to the user. (SEI-4406).

  • To continuously improve the user experience and ensure that our product aligns with industry standards, we are excited to announce a series of terminology changes within the SEI app. (SEI-4049) To learn more, go to Terminology Changes in SEI.

  • The tooltip labels in the Sprint Metrics Trend report have been renamed to better differentiate between overdone commits and missed commits. Now, in the widget, the Commit Missed/Overdone metric has been implemented to display the corresponding values for Commit Missed and Commit Overdone. (SEI-4236)

  • In the SCM PR report, enhanced the user experience by implementing a tooltip feature. Now, when users hover over the Pr title column in the widget drill-down, the corresponding values are displayed as tooltips. (SEI-4407)

  • Improved the ingestion logic for the GitHub Actions integration to prevent rate-limiting errors while ingesting data for workflow runs. (SEI-4196)

Early access features:

  • Added support for mapping Github Actions artifacts with Harness CD. Now when configuring stages for a workflow profile, selecting GitHub Actions or Harness CI as the CI provider now allows you to define Harness CD in the subsequent stage for mapping artifact data. The Github Actions integration is a beta feature that is behind the entitlement ALLOW_GITHUB_ACTION_TILE. (SEI-3713) To learn more, Go to Github Actions Integration.

  • Added support for calculating the Churn Rate metric in Jira. This metric helps measure scope changes during the sprint and can be configured in the Sprint Metrics Single Stat widget. This feature is behind the entitlement JIRA_CHURN_RATE (SEI-3000) (SEI-3594) \

    For more information, go to Churn Rate.

Fixed issues:

  • In the Lead Time by Time Spent in Stages report there was a bug where the drilldown columns for Jira ticket ID were not not functioning correctly. This has been fixed now. (SEI-2810)

  • There was an existing issue in the Trellis Score Report where duplicate values were displayed in the widget when the designation for the Org User (Contributor) was changed. This issue has been resolved now. (SEI-3876)

  • Fixed an issue with the GitLab integration where, in the SCM reports drill-down, the redirection for GitLab commit was functioning incorrectly. Now, clicking on the title redirects you to the specific repository, and clicking on the commit message redirects you to the particular commit. (SEI-4152)

  • There was an existing issue for the SCM reports where the Commit Message field was getting truncated when the report was downloaded as a CSV file. This has been resolved now. (SEI-4154) (SEI-4244)

  • There was a bug in the Azure Devops integration where for the Issues report in the widget drilldown no data was displayed if the associated integrated had no custom fields defined. This has been fixed now. (SEI-4228)

  • In the DORA Lead Time for Changes report there was an existing issue where different values were displayed in the widget and drilldown. This has been resolved and the widget now displays data correctly. (SEI-4270)

  • Fixed a bug in the velocity profile where for the merge status stage the configuration for the destination branch was not functioning correctly. (SEI-4315)

  • In the SCM PRs report there was an issue where the data in the widget and the drilldown displayed inconsistent values. This has been resolved and the widget now displays the data correctly. (SEI-4225)


  • The existing issue in the GitLab integration, where incorrect values were displayed for PR reviewers and Collaboration State columns in the SCM reports drilldown, has been resolved. Now, the merge requests correctly display the data for the respective fields. (SEI-4382)

Release Notes - 202311.1 - 21st Nov 2023

New features and enhancements:

  • Added support for viewing detailed information about modified files within the drill down of the SCM PRs Report. (SEI-3489)

  • Improved the TestRail Test Report for the checkbox type field, by displaying consistent values i.e True/False in both the widget and drill down. (SEI-3506)

  • Going forward the "All Projects" default organization category will not be created for newly created workspaces. Note that the "All projects" category will continue to be available for existing workspaces. However, we encourage new users to transition away from using it. (SEI-4079)

  • Enabled Org Admin Role (ORG ADMIN RBAC) for all tenants / accounts within the United States (Region: US) (SEI-4200)

Early access features:

  • This release does not include any early access features.

Fixed issues:

  • There was an issue in the Issues report where the count between the widget and drilldown did not match when the X-axis was specified as sprint along with the sprint filter. This has been resolved, and now the report correctly displays the data. (SEI-3074)

  • In the TestRail integration there was an issue in the download CSV feature specifically from the drilldown, where null values were not being converted to FALSE in the downloaded CSV file. This issue has been resolved now. (SEI-3502)

  • The issue in the SCM PR Report, where the app would crash upon adding a Pie Chart with the Stack option to the dashboard, has been successfully resolved. Now, when you add the report it defaults to a Pie Chart with stacking turned off. If you switch to a Bar Chart, stacking is automatically enabled. (SEI-3724)

  • Fixed an existing user experience issue for custom field addition in the Zendesk integration. (SEI-3907)

  • In the Lead Time by Stage report there was an issue where PR Details were not filtered based on the provided Target Branch in the workflow profile. This has been resolved, and now the report correctly filters and displays the data. (SEI-3919)


  • In the Sprint Metrics Single Stat widget there was a bug where upon configuring the metrics, the widget displayed incorrect data. This issue has now been fixed. (SEI-3813)

Release Notes - 202310.2 - 7th Nov 2023

New features and enhancements:

  • In the TestRail report the default option picked in the Metric section were “Test Executions”, but was not displayed in the UI when a widget was added. This issue has been resolved for better explainability to end user and now is displayed in the UI explicitly. (SEI-3363)

  • Improved the Custom Table Report by removing the multiple stacking options and making it a single select feature. Now when there are too many stacked entry options a scroll bar has been added to the tooltip (SEI-3726)

  • To optimize ingestion functionality for the Gitlab integration using satellites, the following metadata fields have been added: (SEI-3769)

    • check_project_membership: True by default. If set to true, SEI will only consider GitLab projects for which the token owner is a member. For self-hosted GitLab projects, where fetching ALL projects may be necessary, set this to false. Note: This should never be switched off for cloud GitLab instances.\

    • fetch_pr_patches: Controls whether to fetch patches or file diffs for PRs.

    • fetch_commit_patches: Controls whether to fetch commit patches or file diffs.

    • pr_commit_limit: Limits the number of commits fetched per PR to 250 by default.

Early access features:

  • In the GitHub Actions integration the support for ‘Additional Options’ has been removed. This integration is a beta feature that is behind the entitlement ALLOW_GITHUB_ACTION_TILE (SEI-3764)

  • Added support for configuring the Github Actions integration using Satellite. SEI-3955) To learn more, Go to Github Actions Integration.

  • There was an issue in the SCM PRs report, where the values for line changes, lines deleted, and lines added were showing as 0. This has been resolved, and now the report accurately displays the data.

    • For Merged PRs, the computation considers the merge sha for precise lines of change.

    • For OPEN, CLOSED, or DRAFT status the PRs will calculate sum of Lines of Code for all commits.

    This feature is behind the feature flag scm.mergesha.enabled.tenants (SEI-3861)

Fixed issues:

  • In the SCM PRs report, there was an issue where the code change filter was not getting applied in both the widget and drill-down views. This issue has been resolved now. (SEI-2298)

  • The issue with the x-axis sorting for different combinations in the Issue Resolution Time Report has been fixed. (SEI-3444)

  • In the Business Alignment Trend Report there was an issue where not all data was rendered in the UI. This issue occurred due to current allocation, which has been removed. Now all data is correctly displayed with the report only show completed work and not current or in-progress tasks. (SEI-2851)

  • There was an issue in TestRail report where on the edit widget page, changing the metric multiple times resulted in the removal of applied filters. This issue has been resolved now. (SEI-3505)

  • In the Effort Investment Trend Report there was an issue where for some teams, the previous month was displaying as the current month. This issue has been resolved now and the report now displays the data correctly. (SEI-3603)

    • The current allocation bar feature has been deprecated.

    • The active work filter in the report settings has been deprecated.

  • In the Issue Resolution Report there was an issue where the drill down displayed all work items regardless of the “Effort” value clicked in the Effort-based bar. This issue has been resolved and now the drill down view displays the data correctly. (SEI-3805)

  • In the Issues Report for the Azure DevOps integration, there was an issue where the Donut chart and Percentage Stack bar were not functioning correctly. This issue has been fixed. (SEI-3858)


  • There was an issue where the app UI failed to populate data when a large number of widgets were configured in the dashboard. This issue is resolved and now the dashboard displays data correctly. (SEI-4018)

Release Notes - 202310.1 - 23rd Oct 2023

New features and enhancements:

  • There was an existing issue in the Custom Table Report where the count in the widget did not match the count in the Drilldown when legends in the report's stacking were unchecked. This issue has been resolved with this enhancement. Now, when you check or uncheck the legends in the stacking of the report, the count in the widget drilldown will accurately match the count on the widget. (SEI-2633)

  • Added select all and clear buttons for checking and unchecking all filter options and a scrollbar for the legend's "more" window. Users can now deselect all options within a filter window, and clicking Select all or Clear buttons will not close the filter window. (SEI-3458)

  • Improved the error logging in the ingestion satellite. (SEI-3709)

  • Improved the UX for widget intervals and column selection options. This update ensures that intervals and column options are displayed in a uniform manner across the following widgets:


    • Column Change: INDIVIDUAL RAW STATS, RAW STATS BY ORG UNIT, and Azure DevOps - Program Progress Report.

Early access features:

  • Improved the widget support for the Github Actions integration. Find the list of widgets which are supported for the Github Action integration here. This feature is a beta feature that is behind the entitlement ALLOW_GITHUB_ACTION_TILE (SEI-2220) To learn more, Go to Github Actions Integration.

Fixed issues:

  • There was an issue in the SCM PR report where in the time range filters the timestamps were displayed in epoch format in the widget filter preview. This issue has been resolved and timestamps are now displayed in readable format. (SEI-1904)

  • There was an issue in the Effort Investment by Trend report where the categorization of key areas of investment was fetching only issues related to the filters specified. This has been resolved and now the drilldown contains information only on the part of the trend graph that is clicked by the user. (SEI-2985)

  • There was an issue in the Issue Resolution Time report where the resolution time was appearing as NaN. This has been resolved and the resolution time now displays data correctly. (SEI-3115)

  • In the Sonarqube integration, there was an issue where the Code Smell and Issues Count were showing incorrect data. This issue has been resolved and the attributes now display the data correctly. (SEI-3275)

  • In the Github integration users were getting logged out when searching for repositories with the repository filter. This issue has been resolved. (SEI-3354)

  • There was an issue in the Sonarqube reports where widgets were displaying incorrect data when specific metric was selected. This has been fixed and the widgets now displays only the requested metric data. (SEI-3370)

  • Resolved an issue in Azure DevOps integration where the Due Date attribute was not available in the widgets. This issue has been resolved, and the Due Date attribute is now added as an option. (SEI-3381)

  • There was an issue in the SCM integration where the repository selection format mentioned was incorrect. This issue has been resolved. The repository format is displayed now as follows: (SEI-3512)

    • For GitHub Enterprise: owner/name

    • For Bitbucket Enterprise: name

  • In the CICD Job Count report there was an issue where the 'Status' filter for all Github Actions workflows was showing as completed irrespective of the pipeline getting successful or failed. This issue has been resolved, and the report now displays the data correctly. (SEI-3559)

  • There was an existing issue where the trellis profile option was getting disabled automatically after creating a new org unit. This issue has been resolved now. (SEI-3706)

  • In the raw stats there was an existing issue where the widget and drill-down data was inconsistent for the intervals other than last month. This issue has been resolved and it now displays data correctly. (SEI-3738)

  • There was an issue in raw stats where colors were getting applied in the widget values when you click on the reset button. This has been resolved now. (SEI-3734)

  • Added support for ingesting Merge Request and file-level comments in the GitLab integration, ensuring that all comments are now pulled correctly. (SEI-3041)

  • In the Issue Resolution Time Report, it is now not allowed to select multiple metrics when 'Sort X-Axis' is chosen as 'By Value'. Similarly, sorting the X-Axis by Value is not available when multiple metrics are selected. (SEI-3622)


  • This release does not include hotfixes.

Release Notes - 202309.2 - 9th Oct 2023

New features and enhancements:

  • Added support for standardized date and date-time formats. This update ensures that all dates and times are displayed in a uniform manner across the platform for enhanced clarity and consistency. (SEI-2509)

    • Standardized date format: DD MMM YYYY (e.g., 21 Aug 2023)

    • Standardized date-time format: DD MMM YYYY HH:mm (24-hour format; e.g., 25 Aug 2023 11:06)

  • Enhanced the UI across different integrations where SVG icons have been replaced. The change will impact integrations/propels interface. (SEI-3460)

  • Identified and removed 350 circular dependencies from JavaScript files as part of a technical debt cleanup effort. (SEI-3563)

Early access features:

  • Added support for native Github Actions integration on SEI. This feature is a beta feature that is behind the entitlement ALLOW_GITHUB_ACTION_TILE. (SEI-2220) (SEI-3479) (SEI-3069) (BETA) To learn more, Go to Github Actions Integration.

Fixed issues:

  • There was an issue in TestRail Test Report where the Deprecated Filter was not excluding undefined values. This issue has been resolved and now if the field is not defined for a test case it will be considered as False. (SEI-3456)

  • There was an issue preventing data ingestion for triggers associated with new SCM integration. This issue has been resolved, and the trigger for new SCM integration now functions correctly. (SEI-2871)

  • The capability to select the computation model from the advanced setting option in the Jira Release Report has been removed. (SEI-2929)

  • In the TestRail trend report there was an issue where the y-axis was displaying incorrect labels for the number of tests. This issue has been resolved, and the y-axis now correctly displays the data. (SEI-3424)

  • The issue in the SCM Rework Report, where it was not displaying any data when using SCM integration with Bitbucket Server has been resolved. The report now correctly displays the data. (SEI-3441)

  • Fixed an issue in the TestRail report where the widget value count and drilldown value count did not match when using a checkbox field as the x-axis parameter. The widget now correctly displays the values. (SEI-3425)

  • There was an existing issue where the Deployment Frequency widget for Jira Release was not returning any data due to API timeouts. This issue has been resolved, and the widget now loads in a finite time displaying the results correctly. (SEI-3293)

  • The issue with the Azure DevOps integration, where it was not pulling all the closed sprints has been resolved. Now even if the sprint is ongoing, but its end date has passed SEI will display it as completed. (SEI-3113)

  • Fixed a UI issue in the Sprint Metrics Trend report where the sprint name was being truncated. Now, the full name is displayed when hovering over it. (SEI-3345)

  • There was an issue with the TestRail integration, where tests were not being updated on SEI when transferred from one project to another. This has now been resolved. (SEI-3439)


  • There was an issue in the Testrail widget where adding filters sporadically failed to show filter values. This issue has been resolved and the widget now correctly displays the data. (SEI-3457)

  • Improved Bugsnag Reports to remove sensitive data for improved security and privacy. (SEI-3581)

Known Limitations:

  • The Github Actions integration is in BETA and does not fully support all types of filters compared to other CI/CD integrations.

  • In the GitHub Actions integration, we currently do not have support for deriving job run parameters.

Security Fix:

  • Fixed a vulnerability issue for curl packages in the ingestion satellite. (SEI-3365)

Release Notes - 202309.1 - 22nd Sep 2023

New features and enhancements:

  • Enhanced the user experience in widget management. Now commonly used widgets are placed under the “Frequently Used” tab for quick access and relatively lesser used widgets are placed under the "Advanced" tab. (SEI-1627) Widgets are added to the “Advanced” tab in the following cases:

    • When related integrations are missing (e.g., PagerDuty).

    • When the associated profile for DORA has not been created.

    • When the organizational unit (OU) is not associated with the specific third-party tool.

  • Deployment frequency calculation now includes Jira releases. Users can configure this feature under the WORK PROFILE in the widget settings. The x-axis represents the release date while the y-axis indicates the number of releases that have occurred in the selected timeline. (SEI-2197) (SEI-3089) (BETA)

    • Widget changes include modifications to the drill down columns i.e Release version, Number of tickets, Project and Release Date.

    • The “Release Date In” is the only allowed filter when Jira release option is selected.

  • Added the support for checkbox and integer filter types for custom fields in the test cases for the TestRail reports. (SEI-3228)

  • Added the capability to display the total number of tests/test cases for the Trend Report in TestRail. The trend report now provides cumulative counts of tests and test cases. (SEI-3249)

  • Improved the performance of Reports in the TestRail integration. (SEI-2994)

  • Improved the error logging in the ingestion satellite. (SEI-3138)

  • Added support for Microsoft AD FS (Active Directory Federation Service) authentication to the Jira integration using the satellite. (SEI-2549)

Early access features:

This release does not include early access features.

Fixed issues:

  • Fixed the "exclude" filter issue allowing users to use exclude filter with partial match in the SOURCE BRANCH for the SCM PR Lead Time by Stage and DORA Lead Time for Changes widgets. (SEI-2934) (SEI-3176)

  • In TestRail Test Reports there was an issue where the widget count and drilldown count would mis-match when a custom field was selected as the x-axis parameter. This has been resolved and the drilldown API call has been fixed. (SEI-3084)

  • In the SonarQube integration using Satellite, agents were making requests to fetch other SonarQube projects resulting in Access Denied errors. This issue has been resolved to fetch data (metrics and project analysis) only for specific projects mentioned during integration setup. If projectKeys are not specified data will be fetched for all projects. (SEI-3132)

  • There was an issue in the TestRail report where clicking on the preview page with a checkbox filter applied would cause a crash. This bug has been resolved. (SEI-3309)


  • There was an issue where Lead Time numbers were changing depending on the time interval in the Lead Time Report. This issue has been resolved to include either the "Issue Resolved in" or "Released Date" filter in the widget configuration. (SEI-3194)

  • There was an issue with the SonarQube Complexity Trend Report where the widget displayed incorrect values for Cognitive Complexity when Cyclomatic Complexity was chosen. This has been resolved and the widget now displays the correct values. (SEI-3317)

  • There was an existing bug where the GitHub Integration was not registering forked repositories. This issue has been resolved and it now correctly lists the forked repositories. (SEI-3123)

Security Fix:

Release Notes - 202308.2 - 6th Sep 2023

New features and enhancements:

  • Added the support for test cases in the TestRail reports. You can easily switch between Test Cases and Test Executions, with certain fields removed from Stack, Aggregation, and Filter. Filters at the OU level remain, but Checkbox-type custom fields are no longer supported. (SEI-2799) (SEI-2798)

  • Added a option "Include All Jobs" to dynamically select all jobs in the Lead Time and Mean Time tabs for both Dora and Velocity profiles. This means you can include all upcoming jobs without individually selecting them in the workflow profile. Any new jobs that are added will be automatically considered when the "Include All Jobs" option is selected. (SEI-2826) (SEI-2892)

  • The hash route has been removed from the URL structure. Going forward, there will be no # in the URL. Previously, we used hashes to route to pages in the format <baseurl>/#/<url to page>. Now, the hash has been eliminated, and the format is <baseurl>/<url to page>. All existing hash routes will be automatically redirected to the correct path. (SEI-2571)

  • Added support for linked issues in the ES-Dependency analysis. With this you can expect accurate issue linkages and dependencies to help streamline your project management. (SEI-2771)

Early access features:

  • RBAC support is added for dashboard and organizational unit (OU) level.(SEI-2165)

    • OU Admin Role Enhancement: The OU admin role has been extended with new capabilities. OU admins can still map workspaces and OUs and modify their definitions as before. Additionally, they can now view dashboards associated with the OUs they are assigned to.

    • Public Dashboard User Role: Admins can associate workspaces and Org Units with public dashboard users, allowing them to view only the dashboards associated with them. However, public dashboard users do not have the ability to modify Org Unit definitions. By default they will have access to all dashboards for all Org Units unless a specific Org Unit is mapped to them.

    • This feature is currently behind the Feature Flag / Entitlement ORG_UNIT_ENHANCEMENTS. Please contact SEI Support to enable.

  • Added the support for four additional intervals in Trellis and Raw Stats - Last Week, Last 2 Weeks, Last 2 Months, and Last 3 Months. Trend graph feature is not available at this time, and we are actively working to address this limitation. This feature is currently behind the Feature Flag / Entitlement BE-DEV_PROD_NEW_INTERVALS_ENABLED_TENANTS and FE-SHOW_TRELIS_NEW_INTERVAL. Please contact SEI Support to enable. (SEI-1192)

  • Custom field configurations for the Jira integration have been moved to a separate tab called "Custom Fields" and the Hygiene configurations have been moved to "Hygiene Rules" for improved clarity. Please note that these changes do not affect any other aspects of the integration. This feature is currently behind the Feature Flag / Entitlement CUSTOMFIELDS_HYGIENE_AS_TABS. Please contact SEI Support to enable. (SEI-2613)

Fixed issues:

  • In the Jira Release Report, when using the pre-calculated widget, there was a bug that prevented the exclusion of stages from the total time calculation. This bug has been addressed and resolved. Users can now exclude stages from the total time calculation when using the pre-calculated widget. (SEI-2930)

  • The SCM rework report displayed empty columns when using Gitlab integration. This issue has been resolved, and reports now display accurate data. (SEI-2820)

  • In Sonarqube integration, only the "from" date was used in the ingestion query, which had limitations such as preventing job chunking during re-onboarding and a higher likelihood of encountering rate limits. This issue has been fixed to make ingestion more robust. (SEI-2635)

  • Resolved an issue where the total tickets for the past time period in the Single Stat widget were incorrect due to a hard-coded limit in the backend. This limitation prevented data comparison for time intervals other than 90 days. This issue has been resolved and the UI now sends the correct data. This ensures accurate reporting based on the selected time interval. (SEI-2690)

  • Fixed an issue in the TestRail Trend Report where the drilldown displayed all tests instead of only the tests created on the selected date. This issue has been resolved to show data of the selected date only. (SEI-3082)

  • Users were unable to add certain custom fields in the Jira integration. This issue has been resolved and now you can seamlessly integrate the Parent Link, Primary Owner and Due date custom fields from Jira. (SEI-3001)


This release does not include hot-fixes.

Known Limitations:

  • Users may experience difficulty distinguishing between Organizational Units (OUs) to which they have access and those to which they do not have access as a result of a UX issue in our Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) system at the Dashboard or OU level

  • Existing users with ORG_ADMIN_USER privileges will no longer be able to access all PUBLIC_DASHBOARDS due to a Backward Compatibility Behavior Change in ORG ADMIN USER.

  • Users will not be able to use the ORG ADMIN USER feature and the OU/Dashboard level RBAC feature separately.

Deprecation Notice:

  • Starting with this release, the exclusion ability for the Sprint filter in all reports has been deprecated. Users will no longer be able to exclude sprints from their reports using this filter.

Release - 202308.1 - 21st Aug 2023

Features / Enhancements -

  • SCM Coding Days Widget Enhancement: The single stat widget in SCM Coding Days now displays numeric values with two decimal places, providing more precise information. (SEI-2649)

  • Enhanced UI for Pipeline Selection: The user interface has been improved to allow manual selection of pipelines or the option to choose all pipelines at once. (SEI-2715)

  • Improved PR Linking: PR links in the Platform will now direct to the URL of your self-hosted instance of Gitlab SCM app, eliminating the previous defaulting to cloud URLs for a more personalized experience. (SEI-2712)

  • Exclude "Other" Statuses for Lead Time Calculation: Introducing the option to exclude the "Other" bubble, encompassing Issue Management statuses beyond Workflow profile configurations. By excluding the "Other" stage, Lead time calculations will exclude time spent in these statuses. (SEI-2705)

  • Introducing pre-calculation capability for the Lead Time by Time Spent in Stages report. This streamlines lead time calculations by pre-calculating data, resulting in faster fetching of information compared to real-time queries Pre-calculation can be enabled upon request, requiring a specific widget ID for granular control. (SEI-2673)

  • Introduced enhanced rich text formatting options for the notes section with support of bold, italic, text and background colors, emojis, numbers, undo & redo, bullets, and links to make your notes more expressive and informative. (SEI-2333)

Fixed Issues -

  • Improved Dashboard Time Range Toggle Handling: Fixed an issue where dashboards created before the "dashboard time range" toggle was reintroduced in the latest release could not properly display data. This was due to a backward incompatible change that removed essential context from the dashboard. We have implemented fallback logic to correct this discrepancy, and dashboards created before the release will now properly display data when the "dashboard time range" toggle is enabled. (SEI-2770)

  • The issues related to the "Contains" criteria for the Sprint filter in Lead Time calculation for stages. (SEI-2593)

  • Improved Behavior of Custom Table Report Widget: The "Custom Table Report" widget has been updated to fix an issue that caused it to display inaccurate data when selecting Org Units with child Org Units. Previously, the widget would display a combination of self and child Org Unit data in bar graphs, even after refreshing. This issue has been resolved, and the widget now accurately displays data specific to the selected OU (SEI-2834)

  • Addressed an issue where every job run was being updated by the latest fix from (ADO) triggered by an ongoing issue. To provide better control, we've incorporated a condition involving integration IDs while updating CI/CD job runs. (SEI-2684)

Release - 202307.2 - 02nd Aug 2023

Features/ Enhancements -

  1. Ability to define baseline and have a trend line for the custom table report

  2. Ability to view the Trellis scores for different intervals as a 'Public Dashboard' user and 'Org Admin' user

  3. Support for Azure DevOps Release pipelines

  4. Ability to render the Executive Insights widget as a custom report using propels

  5. Drill-down support for single stat for Lead Time in Stages widget

  6. Jira App on Marketplace ( Beta )

Behind a Feature Flag / Entitlement -

  1. Support for more fixed Intervals introduced behind an entitlement in the Trellis-related widgets

  2. Deployment Frequency - the ability to view the score based on different intervals

Fixes -

  1. Approval time calculation changes in the Lead Time by Stage widget, DORA Lead time by stage, and SCM PR lead time by Stage widget

  2. Ability to exclude any stage in the total time calculation for the DORA Lead time for changes report

  3. Remove the ability to edit widget filters for the 'Public Dashboard' user and 'Org Admin' user

  4. Issues Report - Dependency analysis fixes

  5. Effort investment profile - UI enhancements for Category definitions

  6. Loading active version automatically once the user merge is saved

Points to Note:

  1. 'ADO Releases pipelines' is supported only on new integrations - Existing integrations will have to be re-configured and please contact customer support if a new integration needs to be created for this support.

Release - 202307.1 - 19th Jul 2023

New Features & Enhancements-

  1. Jira Releases Report to display the number of releases performed in a given period along with its average lead time

  2. Executive Insight Report based on Propels

  3. Jira connect app, GitHub email fetch, User consolidation - Phase 1 ( Behind Feature Flag )

  4. Trellis - Ability for the public dashboard user to view the scores for different time intervals

  5. Issues Report - Epic as a stack to show Epic summary

Internal Defects -

  1. Epic Summary is not shown in the drill-down.

  2. Choosing specific epic ids in filters is not showing the Epic summary in Stacks

  3. Dependency Analysis Criteria on Issues Report - Time-out fixes

  4. TestRail fix for OU filter support on trends report.

Feature Flags / Entitlement :

Jira Releases-related features are behind an entitlement. Reach out to our team to get the access.

Fixed Customer Defects / Adoption Blockers -




Older releases -

  1. Introducing a new navigation experience that includes a new Home page and an improved dashboard header to provide Propelo users with a contextual mind map of organizational hierarchies for more streamlined exploration of insights. Also introducing an improved, more flexible Org Unit hierarchy that is grouped under a new master entity called a Workspace. A Workspace also enables easier administration of Org Units using a built-in inheritance mechanism.

    • Limitations:

      • At the time of creating a dashboard, users can associate the dashboard only to OU categories and not specific OUs. More targeted associations can be performed from Organization settings

      • Admins will not be able to delete a workspace directly from the UI because of dependencies. Contact Propelo Customer Support for assistance

      • OU-version related UI options are not available currently. By default, the latest version of the OU is used

    • Known Issues:

Issue description

Org Unit paths under the Path column in the Organization Settings page sometimes show repeated names for the immediate parent


Refer to the Tree View for the Org Unit hierarchy.

Widget explorer does not grey out widgets that are not supported for current integrations.


If added, widgets that are not supported for current integrations can be deleted later on.

Disabled OU categories are displayed when navigating to dashboards through the Dashboards List page.


Access dashboards from the Home page instead.

Deleting an OU having specific dashboard associations could result in the dashboards becoming orphans.



Avoid scenarios where dashboards could become orphaned by ensuring dashboards are associated with at least one OU at any point of time.

Last updated